Now Eating Thread (Official)

I ate a bunch of soyrizo tonight. Usually I mix that with eggs taters broccoli etc.

Tonight was just straight up with cheese. Weird farts I tell you what, woof.
Period week is over, so no more fried chicken and cake for dinner. Tonight: Marie Callender's cheese tortellini bowl with some grilled chicken thrown in, and baby carrots on the side. These tortellini bowls are delicious, and moderately healthy. The husband and I buy every single box on the shelf when we go shopping.
The missus made about 5kg of slaatje (a dutch salad of which there are many variations- ours has potatoes, gherkins, pickled onions, smoked canned salmon, boiled eggs, tomatoes, lettuce and a fuck-ton of mayonnaise) today. So well be eating that for the next few days.
Tully would you recommend the unicorn juice? Im thinking it would make a good xmas gift for a few of my more athletic friends.

I would recommend it if they are looking for something like that; but if they lift weights and you are looking for a present you really can't go wrong with getting them a big jug of protein powder.

I got the MP Amino to test it out; so I can recommend it on flavor and such as a post workout 'sports drink'. As far as the amino acids, BCAAs etc. and how well they actually work I'm not sure yet. I'm always skeptical though.

But, the best presents would be the ones that are 100% known to work and used by most people that lift, ie: protein, creatine, caffeine-based pre-workout powders, etc.

Annnnd tonight's now-eating for good measure:

Ah thanks. I think ill go for the protein then.

Good choice man.

Also, now using this thread to track my nutrition.

Cauliflower/spinach cooked in skillet with Worcestershire sauce and butter.

One chicken breast cooked in skillet with Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, onion powder and a little bit of olive oil.

Rolled up deli ham cooked in leftover juices in skillet; a tiny bit of olive oil and Worcestershire sauce added in order to not make mega-smoke in the kitchen.

Some guacamole.

Kinda overdid it at the family gathering tonight. Turkey, ham, pulled pork, scalloped potatoes, a crescent roll, brownies, and peppermint cream pie. What the hell, it's Crustmess.

Tonight's family skit was appropriately titled "Binge and Purge." Can't wait to get the finished product. :lol:

Baby spinach with halved grape tomatoes cooked in salt and olive oil.

Salmon marinated in a mustard dill sauce, cooked in a little olive oil/some marinade poured on while cooking.

Some cantaloupe.

Thanks for plate compliments, haha, it's actually my roommates but we share plates and such.


Red-meat time:

Rib-eye steak rubbed with sea salt and black pepper, a little olive oil added on each side (peanut oil would work better for searing purposes but I don't have any);
pan seared in a cast iron skilled for a minute or so on each side then placed in a 450 degree oven for about 2:30 each side.

Onions and halved tomatoes seared in leftover steak juices; then baby spinach added for the last 10 or so seconds.

Some cantaloupe.
What I've eaten in the last couple of days:

Half dozen oysters Kirkpatrick, followed by salt and pepper calamari.
Mussels Provençal and seared scallop salad.
A tasting plate of pickled mussel, gravlax, pickled sardine and Gorgonzola arancini.
Linguine marinara.

Oh, how I love holidays by the sea.