Now I am cold but a ghost lives in my veins


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002

So One Incher likes Powerslave, eh? Discuss.

And feel free to glorify Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
Yes! It is teh win! I think the song that really pulled it together for me was Losfer Words, and I've always liked 2 Minutes to Midnight and Aces High, so there you go. There's something real organic about the guitar tone/feel/riffs that I really dig.

I haven't spent enough time with Rime honestly, right now it's my least favorite on the album. *ducks*
Erik said:
If you vote Dissection over this you're gay like.
Yeah, it's called I've Listened to Powerslave Three Times v. I've Spent 9 Years Singing the Praises of Dissection like. :dopey:
Erik said:
"Losfer Words" is the worst song on the album like.

Totally disagree, but where each track ranges from 9.5 to 10/10, I can't really complain. :tickled:

NAD - "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" is the epic obviously, so it's going to take time. Funnily enough, most of the songs from Powerslave were brought to life (pardon the pun) on Live After Death. I should make you a virtual CD-R, wink wink.

If you can keep up with the song, the riff changes (and song structuring) is outstanding. Actually, their song structures on this album are probably the best they ever constructed. Probably why it's their greatest album too.
Powerslave I think it's their most consistent record and totally unique sounding ... very un-Maiden like in some ways.
Powerslave is my favorite Maiden album, and it its tour resulted in my favorite live album. I just came across my vinyl copy of Live After Death the other day. I bought it when it was released because of all the extra packaging.
yeah, the original double LP with that extensive booklet was amazing. a fresh off the boat commie was mesmerized :lol:
Rime my be Bruce's best performance ever, Powerslave has the best guitar sound of any Maiden album, simply a fortress of riffs, and on LAD they put 99% of all live albums in the ground. I can't think of another live album without a single wasted second (not including the audience participation of course.)
I don't know shit about Maiden except for that they aren't really my thing (though I respect them totally)... but Aces High?

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
The title track of this album is far above and beyond everything else ever written, it's not even funny! There's only one song that I don't worship, and that's "Back in the Village".
I fucken LOVE "Back in the Village". That's my guitar store riff!! (You know, everyone has that riff that sounds cool when testing out a new guitar in a store, and the intro to "Back..." is mine, all mine, muwahahaha).

What Erik said. I like Storm of the Light's Bane a LOT, Just no. This is fucking POWERSLAVE, and after the inexplicable elimination of Stained Class it is the greatest representative of Heavy Fucking Metal With Balls of Steel And Unnecessary Capital Letters in this poll.
I want to hear NAD play the "Losfer Words" intro on the bass. With his fingers. :D

Here, I'll even transcribe it on the fly:

D ----
A --- 0 0 0 12 0 0 10 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 9 0 0 7 0 0 3 2 3
E ----

D -----------------------------------------5 5 5
A ----0 0 0 12 0 0 10 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 9 0 0 3 3 3
E ------

x 2

D ---
A ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 7 7 7
E --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 5

Add some 'clunk' to it too, Mr Smith. Should sound cool. :cool:
You got it. Give me a few days though, had a stoned jam on an acoustic bass last night and I'm workin' on some mean blisters right now. Diggin' in on brass is painful!
JayKeeley said:
With his fingers. :D
But of course. :Smug: :loco:

EDIT: Did I say days? I meant hours, damn what a wuss!