Now Listening To thread

I was SO SO SO close to going to that show, but wasn't able to make it.
I was so pissed beyond belief.

I was also very close to seeing them on the tour they did with Thin Lizzy.

I know people will slam me for saying this but as much as I love Roger Glover and Ian Gillan, without Blackmore its hard to get too terribly excited about seeing them. Not to take anything away from Steve Morse as I have seen enough live footage to know he pulls it off well.

It was kind of like seeing UFO this year. YEah, it was an awesome show and Vinnie Moore is a good guitarist, it is still NOT Schenker on the classics. Vinnie sort of "Yngwie'd" all the solos.
Oh i don't know....
There are plenty of DP fans who are always like, "Yeah, Blackmore's gone. Get over it. The last few albums with Steve are great"
Sure, that might be a true statement, but the reason I care about DP isn't due to their era with Morse.
Morse is a hired gun to keep the spirit of the band alive. Same with Vinnie Moore in UFO.
Doesnt mean they don't do a good job, but the fact remains that the majority of the audience for these bands don't really care about new material.

Depends how much of a fan you really are of the band or if you bothered to check out the new material.

Just like with Uriah Heep. I love their new material a lot.
Though I can tell you from seeing them two times that a VERY few select people in the crowd have heard anything they have done within the past 15 years.
This band just plain rules!!!!!!!!!
Would love to see them at Ragnarokkr someday.
Would be a perfect fit I think
I appreciate this one for exactly what it is man.....
No, its not chock full of their signature epic metalness....
I hadn't listened to it in quite a while, so I felt like pulling it out.
And no...I did not make it to the end!
I don't listen to this band as often as I should, but whenever I do I am reminded of how amazing and innovative they were.
Combining doom, psych, and classic rock with enough groove to make the dead dance!!!!!!

Done. Go get em!!! I have tried already a couple times.

If anyone cares, 3/4 of Winterhawk are performing as one of Jordan's many side bands on Jan 26 in Willowbrook at a place called the Chicken Basket!!!!!!!! Hey, greasy food with a side of Jordan's tasty licks???????? could be interesting.
I was kinda bummed when that Diamond Head / Girlschool / Al Atkins tour got canned.
I mean, we still got DH, but with Bangalore Choir.
They were fun to watch, but I still would rather have seen GS, esp with granny on drums.
