Now playing thread

Entombed ~ Full of Hell

Wolverine Blues always bothered me... because I use album artwork on every mp3 on my mp3 player. It's artwork is so awful I literally took it off because I couldnt stand to look at it.


Seriously... what the fuck is that?
I was reading a thing about the album on Encyclopedia Metallum earlier... and I came across a line about them using Marvel's Wolverine for an alternate cover.

I went to google and checked it out.


Now... whether or not you call that selling out... it's still awesome. :worship:
Ehh... maybe it's because I grew up with a father who liked comic books that I like it better... but the first one is just awful.
I can agree that the album is awesome though.

The Chasm ~ Revenge Rises - Drowned in Mournful Blood
Crematory ~ An Other...

Anyone else check out Crematory's early stuff? Illusions, ...Just Dreaming, and Transmigration are fantastic in my opinion. They play a very melodic, moody, and emotional form of "gothic death metal" the likes of which I've heard no equal. They're very rarely brootal besides their growling vocalist... but its still... just.. good.