Now playing thread


You probably didn't even click that song before you were all like "Fuck those guys I like Benighted and their horrible vocalist".

*drunkenly takes off shirt* What now?! Huhh?? Whad do ya wanna do?!
The Faceless - Deconsecrate :).
Fuck you if you don't like it, this song is fucking quality. Somehow these dudes got pigeon-holed by a some metalheads as a -core band because their first album was kind of a mess of musical ideas. But since then these guys absolutely kill it, seriously awesome Death Metal with some nice progressive elements.

Love that saxophone solo. <3

I've always told myself that I got to give them a try but it never really happened, will give it a chance now and see what I think about them.

You probably didn't even click that song before you were all like "Fuck those guys I like Benighted and their horrible vocalist".

*drunkenly takes off shirt* What now?! Huhh?? Whad do ya wanna do?!

Our drummer puts on The Faceless in the car all the time, and he's like "WOAH LOOK AT THE COOL TECH STUFF AND ALL THE OPETH IMPRESSIONS WOAH" and everyone else says it sounds like a bad bowel movement :)
I saw this band play with Septic Flesh and Krisiun last year. It was a weird show because it was just the guitarist/vocalist and the drummer on stage. I kept waiting for the rest of the band until I realized there wasn't a rest of the band. Live it sounded kind of cool for a two man show, so I decided to check it out on le album. It's kind of different sounding but I kind of like it. Not sure why. Also there is a part that sounds like a Christmas song I don't know the title of.

Ding fries are done, ding fries are done!

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I saw this band play with Septic Flesh and Krisiun last year. It was a weird show because it was just the guitarist/vocalist and the drummer on stage. I kept waiting for the rest of the band until I realized there wasn't a rest of the band. Live it sounded kind of cool for a two man show, so I decided to check it out on le album. It's kind of different sounding but I kind of like it. Not sure why. Also there is a part that sounds like a Christmas song I don't know the title of.

Ding fries are done, ding fries are done!

Inquisition is the tits. Their new album is top ten material for this year.