Now playing thread

Dissection - Chaosophia

Trying Reinkaos once again, and once again I am disappointed, as someone posted on it's "toothless and tame", spot on. And the words 'dark mother' and 'chaos' get on my fucking nerves. Fuck Reinkaos, hail Somberlain and Storm of the Light's Bane.
A lot of people say that but I don't really have a problem with Reinkaos. I actually really like that album. The problem is that it's such a massive departure from their old material and the oldschool fans were expecting more of Light's Bane. Reinkaos could have been a seperate project completely. I still really like it though, my ringtone was actually a custom one using the chorus of the instrumental version of Starless Aeon (it has a really nice loop for a ringtone). I guess I wasn't enough of a fan when Reinkaos came out to be offended and I just embraced the album.
Amon Amarth - Destroyer of the Universe

Fuck Johan Hegg is a beast. Gonna start covering their songs to try to get a bit of his sound into my own voice :lol: