Now playing thread

what? are you serious? I love victims of whoaaa! :lol:
:) But of course I'm serious, just listen to the song, it's fucking ridiculous! Srsly.. Unleashed are (quite) good at only one thing and as soon as they stray one inch away from that, it becomes pure comedy and songs like -for example- Victims of War come out as a result.

NP: Flotsam and Jetsam - No Place for Disgrace
Therion ~ Powerdance

I want a shirt with the album art of Symphony Masses on it.

Pan.Thy.Monium ~ Klieveage

Anyone know if that's a real word? Or made up like alot of the stuff they did?
no real lyrics as far as I know, just sounds, the vocals were used as another instrument.

It's why they're so damn interesting.

I saw on the Dan Swano forum he gave a tracklist from "Dawn of Dreams" which I found really interesting...

The Chasm ~ Architects of Melancholic Apocalypse
My last one before work. :cry: