Now playing thread

Yeah I have no fucking idea and its driving me a little bit insane tbh.


You made me go look, found this:

1.We are curious about the origin of your band's name Pg.Lost. Why did you change the name "Before You Give In" into this one?

From the start when it was just a hobby/rehersal space side project Mattias came up with the name “pg.lost”, as a result of a long line of thoughts, but when it was time for our first gig we thought that “Before You Give In” would be less abstract and maybe easier to remember. Later we experimented with some different sounds just to come back to the original idea of music we wanted to play, and when we were going to record our first demo we also took back the name “pg.lost”. We like the idea of people having their own interpretations of the name in the same way they have their own interpretations of the music so we’ve chosen not to tell anyone about the real meaning of it, but we usually introduce ourselves as pg.lost or sometimes “page lost”.
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We like the idea of people having their own interpretations of the name in the same way they have their own interpretations of the music so we’ve chosen not to tell anyone about the real meaning of it, but we usually introduce ourselves as pg.lost or sometimes “page lost”.

very mystery, much deep, such artistic