Now playing thread

Dark Tranquillity's very good for being Gothenburg which means they're almost decent. Early IF is just Iron Maiden melodies without balls and a frog on vocals :)

[mp3] Grave Miasma - Arisen Through The Grave Miasma <05:29/06:11>
that was anders's 90's style. he sounded like an angry frog. then he discovered jonathan davis and realized there was someone worse, hence emulating his style on reroute to further gayness.

[mp3] Oppressor - Seasons <03:29/05:26>
[mp3] In Mourning - The Smoke <02:41/08:13>

Luckily "Monolith" has "The Smoke" which would fit right in on the debut. The difference from the other tracks just seems to be focus. This song craves the listeners attentation, has drive and most of all a good structure. The riffs and tempos fit together like a song, it's not just starts and stops between every par