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I can't say I'll make the new Redemption a regular listen, but it has its moments. Namely...

1:31 - 1:36. Holy shit, Alder. I mean, it's a pretty decent song, but then that comes in out of nowhere. Please sing like this on the next FW album. I will write you fan mail for years.
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gotta say my favorite part of snowfall is the intro to black and white world but in all dont think its quite as good as origins (vocally or otherwise)

case and point? 1:40-2:12
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Good clip, good album. I do think Ray Alder comes across as a bit sappy in Redemption, though. Memory has some awesome melodies perfect for his voice, though!

NP: Radiohead - Kid A

Continuing in my quest to try to get into them and failing. It's always the same with me and alt rock...the albums always tend to shrink on me where metal tends to grow.
Redemption IS sappy. The debut, without Alder, is amazing though. He's a great guy but he should stick to FW.

Yep, the debut is my favorite, too - in fact I just ordered it yesterday...dunno why so many people seem to dislike it, it reminds me a lot of No Exit/Perfect Symmetry era FW.