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Bambi said:
Im not even sure what half that sentence means, didnt the real mariner used to speak english??

And our anthem is dead manly, unlike that gay "lets not be too controversial in case the germans/and or french steamroller us again" anthem you lot have :Smug:
oh shit, was it so bad then? :erk: anyway. i might be lurking around again since now. time to improve me skills again
Bambi said:
Im not even sure what half that sentence means, didnt the real mariner used to speak english??

And our anthem is dead manly, unlike that gay "lets not be too controversial in case the germans/and or french steamroller us again" anthem you lot have :Smug:
Our farmers kicked Napoleaon's arse.
Let's not talk about the rest :cool:
Pff, I do too, though I use my cd-player these days, it's broken but still works. But some stuff is still only on tape.

What was your first music machine? Ours was the cheapest, crappiest tape recorder available in communist Hungary, brand name: MK29 (like a fucking plane or something), small as it was it had this takatakataka sound when it was on, so we connected it to an amplifier through an unbelievable radio, and put the tape recorder itself in the box with pillows and blankets so that we didn't hear the motor noise.
Haha ours was some grey and ugly tape recorder which costed a shitload of money though. It sounded really brassy, blind people could have thought there's a squeaky pet tin box in the room. Too bad I can't recollect the brand, otherwise I would have looked for a pic. I think it's still working :)
The Dresden Dolls - Good Day -- cheers to Mehdi for the link, I really like this one too, and the lyrics are just lovely.

so you dont want to hear about my good song?
you dont want to hear about how i am getting on
with all the things that i can get done
the sun is in the sky & i am by my lonesome
so you don't want to hear about my good day?
you have better things to do than to hear me say

god its been a lovely day! everything's been going my way
i took out the trash today and i'm on fire

so you don't want to hear about my good friends?
you dont have the guts to take the truth or consequence
success is in the eye of the beholder
and its looking even better over your cold shoulder

i'm not suggesting you get to line me up for questioning
but jesus, think about the bridges you are burning
and i'm betting
that even though you knew it from the start
you'd rather be a bitch than be an ordinary broken heart

so go ahead and talk about your bad day
i want all the details of the pain and misery
that you are inflicting on the others
i consider them my sisters and i want their numbers

god its been a lovely day! everything's been going my way
i took up croquet today and i'm on fire

i picked up the pieces of my broken ego
i have finally made my peace as far as you and me go
but i'd love to have you up to see the place
i'd like to do more than survive i'd like to rub it in your face

hey, its been a lovely day! everything is going my way
i had so much fun today and i'm on fire
god it's been a lovely day, everything's been going my way
ever since you went away hey i'm on fire
i'm on fire
i'm on fire
so you dont want to hear about my good day?