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calm down,will ya?

I said nevermind and you said ok.That's what I'm talking about.

*gosh I'm dead bored,any suggestions?*
oh it was a real question??there were no question mark at the end of the sentence, and I thought you said something that I should think about myself and then decide.Sorry about that, but there's a misunderstanding here you see.
*alýnganlýk yok caným. ama komik oldu böyle, tam dedin "caným sýkýlýyor", ben de "yardým ediyim" dedim sonra gittin ve geri geldiðinde yine "çok sýkýlýyorum" diyince þaþýrdým yani. hehe bir þey yok caným. tamam alýngan olabilirim de öyle her þeye de deðil yani*