Now playing

Originally posted by sol83
When I first listened to death/black metal I completely hated it. Takes time to get used to things...


the exact same thing happened...i had never liked paradise lost's "shades of god", but i picked it up lately and i thought "wow, whereve you been all this time?" hahahaha
Originally posted by sol83
When I first listened to death/black metal I completely hated it. Takes time to get used to things...

definetly. I was saying things like " well melodies are great but why does the guy make such a shity vocal anyway"
aahh those were the days :lol: :lol:
went to see Nick Cave last night and he was great

he couldn´t remember "Straight to you" though :lol:

He sang :"Straight to you, when I am captured..... Ohh shit I can´t remember the fuckin song ....*crowdlaughter*... I did some damage to my brain in the past" *more laughter*