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They're good in useless posts. Tey're good in changing subject quite abruptly. They drink a lot, but they better dont taste any Belgian beer, because it's a pity to spoil it. They can fuck off. They are useless at all. They are hintii. They suck. They are boring.
Anyone else? :)
Actually finnish beer is soooo good, that you just have to keep on drinking it. That's why people in Belgium, Germany, Ireland etc. don't drink much... :lol:

OK, I know, i'm drinking this piss (aka finnish beer) just to get drunk. And it seems to be working quite well :cool:

and some for the topic:
The Black League - Ichor
Originally posted by eup
OK, I know, i'm drinking this piss (aka finnish beer) just to get drunk. And it seems to be working quite well :cool:

HEYYYY!!!! Finnish beer is the best one :D

Originally posted by eup
Actually finnish beer is soooo good, that you just have to keep on drinking it. That's why people in Belgium, Germany, Ireland etc. don't drink much... :lol:

HAHA, what a belter! You know who drinks the most beer of the entire world. And there was serious research done for this one!
The Germans, and then the Belgians! :p :p :p
Originally posted by Mariner
They're good in useless posts. Tey're good in changing subject quite abruptly. They drink a lot, but they better dont taste any Belgian beer, because it's a pity to spoil it. They can fuck off. They are useless at all. They are hintii. They suck. They are boring.
Anyone else? :)

oh you old joker..!
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
Of all the beers in Finland you had to choose the worst? :lol: But it's true. Beers here are quite good. Decent at worst.

yep. karhu rules!

and don't you go! otherwise this' gettin some monolog-thingie..!!:D
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
Well I personally prefer CXX, though I gotta admit that differences in the usual finnish beers are not that great (mostly it's only an 'image-thing', you know?

hyssh... (i know but everyone doesn't have to..!:rolleyes: )

Originally posted by Crack Hitler
I'm here, only once in a while I gotta work :lol:

lad, you're out of your mind??
Yes. I've developed an unique talent of doing things slllooooowllllyyy. That goes with eating also. Time doesn't run any faster even that way, tho.. :rolleyes:

oh.. and not to go off-topic (like we haven't allready)

NP: CMX - Isohaara
I'm having a heineken right now (yes, i know it's like piss but that's the only alcoholic thing in my fridge right now!)..... By the way, let's think of some drinking songs?

Dead Kennedys - too drunk to fuck
Originally posted by sol83
I'm having a heineken right now (yes, i know it's like piss but that's the only alcoholic thing in my fridge right now!)..... By the way, let's think of some drinking songs?

Dead Kennedys - too drunk to fuck

:worship: Dead Kennedys

Eppu Normaali - Baarikärpänen