i don't understand
does the author want to do 7 or 9???
So per John Frank's list of stuff he wants to read next, Scott Lynch's Republic of Thieves has a possible release date of in November or December - as in, it's been turned in and undergoing revisions for some time now. Yes, I hear Glenn laughing skeptically over there, I am too, but that would be awesome if it happens.
Larry Niven - Ringworld 1 & 2
James P Hogan - Inherit The Stars
James P Hogan - The Gentle Giants of Ganymede
James P Hogan - Giant's Star
Done the Ringworlds.
I've read two Hogan novels. Two Faces Of Tomorrow and can't remember the other off hand. I know I started on a third one back then, and it turned into more of a political kind of book, and I never went back.
So maybe the Giants series is better. I'll try the first one for sure. Thanks.