Now Reading...

One Nation: What We Can All Do to Save America's Future by Dr. Ben Carson

America the Beautiful: Rediscovering What Made This Nation Great by Dr. Ben Carson
John Grisham/Gray Mountain - Seriously, is he hiring high school students to ghostwrite his stuff now? Some of the dialogue was so awkward it was painful to read. And I kept thinking it was going to turn into a fast-paced courtroom drama, but no such luck. Slow and plodding throughout. Really miss the fast pacing from "The Firm", "A Time to Kill", "The Runaway Jury", etc..

Stephen King/Mr. Mercedes - This got great reviews on Amazon, but I had a hard time getting into it until about the last 10%. Not sure why - maybe because I thought the lead character kept making unforgivably stupid choices.

Just got my digital library copy of the last book in the Odd Thomas series from Dean Koontz and hoping this one isn't a disappointment!
I'm in the middle of a re-read of Hubbard's Battlefield Earth (I haven't read it since I was a sophomore in high school, carrying around that huge 1000 page paperback).

In light of Terry Pratchett's passing yesterday, I think my next re-read will be all of the Discworld novels.
I'm in the middle of a re-read of Hubbard's Battlefield Earth (I haven't read it since I was a sophomore in high school, carrying around that huge 1000 page paperback).

In light of Terry Pratchett's passing yesterday, I think my next re-read will be all of the Discworld novels.

I don't think I've read anything by Pratchett (gasp!:blush:).... are the Discworld novels a good starting place?