Now Reading...

I'm reading

which, aside from having one of the best covers of all time, is pretty good. I can't get enough of the Malazan Books of the Fallen melieu.

I'm listening to (on Audiuble)

Although the writing is not awe inspiring, the story is different from anything I've read, and quite compelling. I definitely think this series is worth the time.
I always lurk this thread to see what people are reading. I think it is awesome how much everyone reads (Glenn is especially voracious). I don't normally make New Year's resolutions, but this year I am going to resolve to read at least one book a month. I sadly realized that in 2014 I did not read a single book, which was the first time in my adult life. I used to read so many books, I am a bit ashamed.

Partly the reason I have not read is because I do read a decent number of comic books and I read a lot for my job (I work in academia). Also I got to the point where my "to read stack" became so big it was overwhelming. But in the end these are just excuses I must overcome lol. I am catching up on all my comics this week so I can dive into some books and I am going to use this thread for recommendations and inspiration.
Partly the reason I have not read is because I do read a decent number of comic books and I read a lot for my job (I work in academia). Also I got to the point where my "to read stack" became so big it was overwhelming. But in the end these are just excuses I must overcome lol. I am catching up on all my comics this week so I can dive into some books and I am going to use this thread for recommendations and inspiration.

I'm in the same situation. My reading of novels went waaay downhill over the last few years because of shifting over to comics / graphic novels. I only finished 4 books in 2014, and from only 2 authors (Stephen King and Robert McCammon). Three of the four were re-reads of things I had read a long time ago. I started The Stand in August, and I made almost no progress. Like you, I'm making a push to get it done now, so that I can move on to new things and am going to try to read more books this year. Good luck with your quest!

I'm currently making my way through the Elminster series, and trying like hell to plow through Elminster in Hell. It is, quite possibly, one of the worst books I've read in the Forgotten Realms series'. I'd rank it right up there with Books 7 and 8 of Wheel of Time for boredom. Why keep at it? It's got a looooot of FR lore in it, and the first 3 or 4 El books were really good, but mostly, I can't skip a book in a series.

I am, however, excited to return to Drizzt now that Salvatore is pumping out new books post The Sundering (which was a 6 book series that led me to many great new characters).
I liked the entire Elminster series. Even Hell.

Oh my god it's so drull. I'm about half way through and They're just now starting to mount a rescue. Avernus itself is an interesting landscape, I'm all about the politics of Devils and the different Layers, and I do enjoy Gods getting involved, but Nergal's written like he's got ADHD. "LOL I want Silver Fire oh wait no let's look at all of these other interesting things and see if I can find magic stuff, no wait no I want silver fire again OO WHATS THIS?"

I mean, I enjoy the banter between El and Nergal, but I'm starting to feel as frustrated as Nergal's written. Combing through Elminster's mind and being presented with more than enough drivel is ... ugh. At one point I was like, omfg, just send Mystra in to get him out so I can stop reading. And then she did, and failed utterly, but still ended up taking out half of Avernus. The fuck, you stupid bitch.
Oh my god it's so drull. I'm about half way through and They're just now starting to mount a rescue. Avernus itself is an interesting landscape, I'm all about the politics of Devils and the different Layers, and I do enjoy Gods getting involved, but Nergal's written like he's got ADHD. "LOL I want Silver Fire oh wait no let's look at all of these other interesting things and see if I can find magic stuff, no wait no I want silver fire again OO WHATS THIS?"

I mean, I enjoy the banter between El and Nergal, but I'm starting to feel as frustrated as Nergal's written. Combing through Elminster's mind and being presented with more than enough drivel is ... ugh. At one point I was like, omfg, just send Mystra in to get him out so I can stop reading. And then she did, and failed utterly, but still ended up taking out half of Avernus. The fuck, you stupid bitch.

Your take is probably about half as entertaining as that entire book was. It is the driest of the series as I recall it, but I didn't have as much issue with it as you do. I'll count myself lucky, then. Also that Mystra bit, rofl.
So I was going to get The Daughter of Elminster, but after reading that it is essentially the same as In Hell, I needed a break. I HATE reading a series where the entirety of the books aren't out, but I felt I needed a pretty substantial reward for plowing through Hell with the Sage of Shadowdale, so I've returned to The Companions of the Hall, as they fully appreciate the consequences of signing the Treaty of Garumn's Gorge.

Finished reading the first 5-book Percy Jackson series and starting on the second one. Although not great literature, I am finding them amusing and entertaining.

Also, for those who are into the "Odd Thomas" series from Dean Koontz, the final book in the series is out. Have placed a hold on a digital copy from my library, but might break down and buy it for Kindle.
Yah so I blew through Rise of the King faster than I'd hoped, on to Elminster Must Die. I had to skip, out of self preservation, Elminster's Daughter because I heard it was similar in style to In Hell, ... and I've adequately explained my lack of love for that book.


Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike 4E and the time after the Spellplague? And I'm only 2 chapters in.