Now, that's a talent :D

Considering that I have a thing for almost every female singer, and that she sings one of my favourite songs, and does it pretty good, and that she looks more than pretty good, I've reached a conclusion that she's the love of my life and I should marry her. Soo... anybody got her phone #?
I know that there are a few negative comments about her, but honestly, she is pretty good, I remember a while back at a jam practice w some friends(a few bands), we had like 10 guys try screaming/growling on the mic and TBH none were that good. She would've blown them away. So yea, maybe she doesn't sound like Trevor Strnad, but shes still not that bad.
I surprised that on this forum many people don't recognize that her growl (or whatever it is) would be be great when mixed in properly.
I saw a posting on a YouTube video for the band she was associated with named Dividead that she is no longer with them and she no longer wants her image used by the band according to the band's channel owner account in a comment for a rehearsal video in which her face is blocked out.

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I don't like to be "that guy" but it's like the 4th or 5th time this is mentioned in this forum, and the 2nd or 3rd thread started about it on top of the "funny pictures thread" where it was posted originally :p

And for the 4th or 5th time, I do think she sounds great considering the conditions she was put into, to do her performance. And she was scared to death, her hands are shaking like crazy