Now this would be awesome!!!

jdelpi said:
So you mean you're not talking about the original vocalist.

Yeah ment to say Souza, Almost forgot about paul, He was in Testament or when Testament was called Legacy originally I think, Or was it Souza? Fuck I can't remeber. I have the demo on original tape signed. Anyways yeah if this lineup was in US with Souza though i'd go out of my fucking way to go, Also hell yeah, If Forbidden was there, Also Death Angel, Laaz Rockit, Slayer, and one of my favorites EvilDead haha!!! I doubt EvilDead would ever have a reunion but I can dream lol.
souza LEFT you, remember that. It's hard to say someone kicks ass when they just give up on you. He couldn't even be kicked out like everyone else.

Anyway, I am going to see Testament Thursday night, and that will be a first for me. Have seen the others, but this would be a killer line up indeed. It's ashame the US could not handle it.

And yeah, As much as I would love to see Anthrax again and will always go to see them when they come around, I agree - I want to hear something new, be it this lineup or a different one. You can only take a "reunion" so far before people get bored. You gotta put out something new or get the old lineup going again. My apologies to those of you who have not seen the reunion yet.
Thrillho said:
souza LEFT you, remember that. It's hard to say someone kicks ass when they just give up on you. He couldn't even be kicked out like everyone else.

Anyway, I am going to see Testament Thursday night, and that will be a first for me. Have seen the others, but this would be a killer line up indeed. It's ashame the US could not handle it.

And yeah, As much as I would love to see Anthrax again and will always go to see them when they come around, I agree - I want to hear something new, be it this lineup or a different one. You can only take a "reunion" so far before people get bored. You gotta put out something new or get the old lineup going again. My apologies to those of you who have not seen the reunion yet.

Sad enough that's true, He deserves his ass kicked for just leaving like that, I read he got lazy and didn't show up for demos and practice, the finally he just quit going and said fuck it, So forget him, It's just too bad Exodus couldn't get a better singer than that new guy.. But anyways 'thrax needs to stop this touring shit and start recording. I'm beginning to be skeptical of all this shit, Enough touring and start recording...
tattooedsean666 said:
that would work in Europe. It would be a risky move in the US as Dave has to think of what type of bands would help fill up the arenas.

That said, I would definitely enjoy seeing that lineup.
I agree I don't see this happening state side.
I might go over to Europe to finally get me off of 95 times seeing Anthrax live that I have been stuck at since the Chicago first of the reunion gigs.

I don't mind rob dukes as singer of Exodus. This wouldn't be till mid next year anyways so Testament AND Anthrax have had plenty of time to work on new material. It would be awesome to hear new Megadeth, anthrax, and testament songs.
CesspoolOfSkulls said:
But anyways 'thrax needs to stop this touring shit and start recording. I'm beginning to be skeptical of all this shit, Enough touring and start recording...
they aren't going to take recording a new album over being apart of the successful Gigantour. they need all the cash they can scrounge up at this point