
How is that Witherscape album? I've seen a lot of websites praising that album.

As far as I know it is the first album Dan Swanö has done vocally in awile mixing clean and death vocals again and he sounds just as good as he ever has, his keyboards are nice. Ragnar Widerberg is a great guitarist. It has a newer Edge of Sanity and Nightingale vibe musically and vocally, but it still has a distinction standing alone. It is all new material and not really a rehash. It would not pass as a Nightingale cd because the harsh vocals, but not as an Edge of sanity album because it is not as extreme. It is directly right in the middle of both bands. Dan has a world wide deal with Century Media now so shit should start being released. It is worth checking out. I could see myself listening to the album on and off for awile. A lot of fans were waiting for an album like this.