
Start with Deep Purple In Rock and just keep going up.

That album and the two that follow are classics.

Awesome, will listen to these later today.

Been on an Anathema kick! A Natural Disaster is my favorite so far... what a great band!

Yeah they are one of my favorite bands. So fucking excited they are finally touring the states.

I havne't listened to much of Weather Systems at all, might have to put it on rotation a bit.

There are some gems on that album. Id recommend spinning it again.

For some reason this album popped in my mind to play since were talking about Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin...A fucking classic that I havnt listened to in quite some time.

Show me the deep purple song that holds a candle to Stairway to Heaven. Protip: you can't. ;)

Actually, i'll take almost any track from the three albums i mentioned over stairway. Ritchie and Ian shit all over plant and page... and honestly, i wouldn'even put them in the same category as far as talent is concerened, not even close. But hey, different strokes for different folks.

Hey Kafka, so what did you think after your first listen?


Really impressed.

However, I cant give a fair assessment to the main argument yet, but, what I can say for sure is that Im a fucking fool for not knowing about these albums earlier.
Really impressed.

However, I cant give a fair assessment to the main argument yet, but, what I can say for sure is that Im a fucking fool for not knowing about these albums earlier.

Yea, i wouldn't have expected you to jump in that debate since it's your first time listening them(i think). That album gets even better with each spin, i remember i used to absolutley hate Child in Time when i was a kid, now it's one of my favorites.

you'd better close your eyes and aaaoohhhohhohoooo bow your head and wait for the ricochet:p