
Listening to the new track from Crone, a new project from Mandy (of Murkrat and The Slow Death fame):
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Generally the alt-rock/metal albums blatantly aspiring for radioplay come off as pretty bad outside of the ones that actually make it, but this is pretty damn classy imo.
^ In retrospect, I think it is an interesting record but I have to agree with the criticism that it seems a little patchy.
It's definitely unique, but yeah, it's pretty patchy. I wish they would tone down the drumming too, as it just overpowers everything else.

It's hard to believe this is like the highest rated album of all time. Granted, I'm not much of a tech death fan..
It's pretty fucking overrated. I'll also say its just too long. Ideal length for death metal albums for me tops out at 45 minutes. (Not including death doom) After that it really starts to drag. I've been trying to see what's so great about that album since its release, and have never been able. Hell I can't finish it most of the time.
^ Yep, very much on the same page with you when it comes to the album's lenght, Krow. Overall I think the album has a lot of good ideas in it but they aren't really explored/developed that well. At times it feels as if the band is not sure what they want to be, which is what I think brings about the patchy nature of the record.

Last time I gave this a spin, I was in no mood to hear it. This time, i can really appreciate it. Though this sorta epic metal isn't my thing, it is done really well.
