

@Opeth17 might dig this. Also @CiG

Sounds promising.
darkthrone astral fortress.jpg

The amount of hate this is getting is hilarious. Threats of banning at TBV if people vote for it in the top albums of 2022 thread. Looks like Darkthrone have fulfilled their prophecy of being "the most hated band in the world" :lol:

Album rules anyway. Some of their best riffs and songwriting of the modern era.

Thou - Peasant

Sludge Metal, Doom Metal, Drone Metal

I always get mixed feelings about this one. some days it surprises the hell out of me for how good it sounds and other days its just not that great but still decent.
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Remember these guys from the good old mixtape game....need to do some examining as i recall my face being ripped

Yeah awesome band. The album I just posted leans more towards death metal than the song from the mixtape, reminds me a bit of Sextrash's second album. I just wish Cogumelo stuff was easier to find outside of Brazil. Still kicking myself for not grabbing the reissue of Funeral Serenade when Hell's Headbangers had it.
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