Nu metal =

What the hell does it matter?

I don't post threads about hip-hop saying "It's bad, there's no solos!", because quite obviously (like nu-rock), it's not the type of music for solos.

Nu-rock isn't metal, so why does it matter so much to you eh?

Celine Dion sucks more than nu-metal, and i don't go dedicating threads to her!

Your ego's have been bruised because some people actually beleive that nu-rock is a form of metal, "It's not good enough to be metal, because i like metal, and it would reflect badly on me!"
Han Solo is the creator of all solos. He looks like a young Harrison Ford. He has a brother named Ted Solo that does the half-assed solos for mallcore music. Ted did the Godsmack one, too, so blame Ted when solos go wrong.
Originally posted by Trapped
np - Forbidden - Green

Forbidden are great. Manifest of Hate kicks ass.

I'm on an iMAC right now at co-op, ewww....iMAC! :Puke:

I agree, there are too many threads dedicated to specific types of shittiness in music(specifically nu-metal). However, my thread entitled "You know who sucks?" was a great thread...simply because I created it...also because it was about al different kinds of shittiness...i'm done now...Thank you.