Discussion about nu-metal

I made it a rule long ago that i do not judge bands on circumstances surround the creation of the music, but instead on what the music comming from my speakers sounds like. I'm not interested in why they make the music. Nu metal is just catchy music done in a heavier context with some groove to me. Most of the artists i'm not fond of, but I do like Sevendust, Haji, Mudvayne, and Puya.
I really started to get interested in metal in 2001. Prior to that, I had about 4 bands that I listened to: Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Faith No More, Pantera. All bands who basically were no longer in existence for the most part. So I figured it would be good to get some new bands to listen to who may actually put out a new album in my lifetime. And I'll be honest here, I listened to a lot, and I mean A LOT of the self-titled Slipknot album in 2001, particularly the Summer. Aside from Pantera, I had never really heard this style of screaming that Corey used. I'll admit that I was pretty damn impressed.

Along with the self-titled Slipknot album, I also was listening to a lot of L.D. 50 by Mudvayne. At the time, the song "-1" was basically controlling my life. The singer's ability to scream and sing impressed me at the time. And I remember being really impressed with the bass work on this album.

Then once I had listened to these bands to death, I started doing some more research on sites like Amazon and just simply taking the advice of people I see on different forums. Eventually, I found In Flames. And from there, Dark Tranquillity, At the Gates, Opeth, Amorphis, etc... found their way into my CD collection. And even to this day, I will occasionally pull out a Slipknot album or L.D. 50 to mentally try to go back to 2001, which seems like such a long friggin' time ago. But when I listen to these albums now, I realize just how much my musical tastes have changed. I won't bash these bands and their fans like many do, since it would be more beneficial to try to open up these people's eyes to all the great metal that is out there.
I think Nu-Metal has no problems that any other genre doesnt have. There are some good bands and and some shit. Lets face it...theyre are plenty of "tr00" metal bands which use the conventions of metal to try and be cool/sell reocrds just as much as some numetal might. I think its unfair to dismiss numetal for this reason...that all genres have their shit/sellout bands. And as it has been said, just because something is popular doesnt mean the artists dont enjoy the music they create. After all...if its popular with the masses...it doesnt seem all that strange to me that people who enjoy that style would want to make a band in that genre.

On the whole "Korn Brand" debate; it actually refers to a partenership the band made with their new record company. Partnership implying that Korn have MORE artistic freedom and more control over how they can sell their music (Eg cheaper off of itunes). From interviews Ive read, in which the interviewer seemed to hate Korn, he talked of how Jon showed him the new music and sat their tapping his feet to it...absorbed. I think they truely do like the music they make. So I think its a pointless argument against any band to say "Theyre only doing whats trendy to make money." Why? Well how can you be sure? Unless a band comes out and openly declares "WE ARE FUCKING SELLOUTS" I dont see how anyone can decide for them that they sold out.
Kenneth R. said:
incubus is not even in a 100 mile radius of nu metal.

I thought it was a little unusual to see Incubus mentioned in a nu-metal thread.

Incidentally, nu-metal is crap by definition. If a band isn't completely useless than it is already missing one of the key elements of nu-metal bands.
FRUGiHOYi said:
Corrupting metal... you sound like the music elitist version of a white supremacist.

Are you saying that the term metal itself has no meaning? Or that it is somehow uncorruptable? Or no good if it isn't corrupted? What is your stance on the word "metal", or even better, "heavy metal"?

And do you really think that that music, which is created and listened to by choice, is analogous to racial stock, which can not be chosen by anyone? That anyone likes the no-bullshit original and unaltered version of an art form is the equivalent of a racist?

If I'm wrong or setting up a straw man argument, please, set the record straight.

Turbo said:
I think Nu Metal came along because the media thought "Heavy Metal was dying," when we came out of the 1980s....

Heavy metal was "killed" on purpose in the early 90s by those "in charge".

JoeVice said:
but, a record label signs a certain band. this isn't only in the case of the nu-metal scene. there is plenty of same-old-shit death metal, power metal, blues....etc.

you say that this directs the current fad. i completely agree with you...but, you can't blame the genre of nu-metal for being a fad. the fad is always there. the fad is a constant, defined by the mainstream public. nu-metal became part of that fad, and got a bad rep for it (aside from criticism of the music).

Remove the thought of nu metal as a movement. Break it down into individual bands. You have innovators, and scene leeches. This does happen in every genre, this copying instead of creating. The "fad" happens because enough musicians are copying others that labels can scoop up the bands by the dozen and market them en masse as the same thing, and the fans buy it. It's awful and horrible on any level, "underground" or mainstream.

JoeVice said:
could there be bands that play underground music for the sake of having an underground image?

What would be the point of this? "I play for five people and have sold 250 records, all for the sake of my underground image!"

If so, good for them. Doing it for the cause and not for whatever benefit to be gained from it.

JoeVice said:
i heard this on another board somewhere, so it could just be a rumor...correct me if i'm wrong. i heard that black metal was created as a rebellion to the commercialization of death metal.

Black metal existed before death metal did. Euronymous' "jogging suit metal" statements were just a marketing campaign for his own activities.

JoeVice said:
no matter how much supid behind the scenes, or on the tv shit is going on, that always has to be separated from the music

How do you keep from falling for every industry scam, every second-stringer presented as an innovator? How do you make conscious choices instead of letting others choose for you, if you're not keeping aware of what's going on behind the curtain?

The bottom line on nu metal is that it has absolutely no ties to heavy metal. Heavy metal has a pretty clear line of evolution from the 60s to the present. Nu metal represents a break in that history. It grew from other influences, got tagged with this nu metal label, and because musicians didn't know their asses from their elbows when it came to heavy metal (or just chose to pretend like they had no connection to "old" heavy metal") got popular, it became the new definition of metal. Or "loud music". Or "heavy rock." Or whatever promotional tag the labels could come up with to prevent people from saying the dreaded "m" word. This created a fanbase of millions who loved and followed this new version of heavy metal, who had absolutely no connection to or knowledge of the history and lineage of heavy metal.

It was a prefabricated rock revolution. An answer, presented by labels (where were the underground communities creating and following this music and releasing independent records before major labels got involved?) as a remedy to a musical environment those same labels had themselves created.

It also created a new avenue of watering down and selling out as people tired of actually creating real music decided to grab for the gold instead. (see Rob Flynn go from Vio-lence to declaring that Machine Head "doesn't want to be seen as a metal band"-)

You don't think that creates a bit of a problem with the people who realize heavy metal never "died"? Our identity was stolen by people who didn't know or didn't care about everything "metal" had meant for decades.

There are exceptions to the rule of course. Slipknot most definitely had its roots in heavy metal, and the members of the band would be quite vocal about it. That's why I always respected Slipknot as a band, even if I didn't want to listen to them, even when every other "true" "underground" metalhead threw them in with the Korns and the Limp Bizkits of the world. I don't know where Tool fits into this conversation but they brought King Crimson and Meshuggah on arena tours, and who the fuck else at the platinum selling level was doing that for legendary or niche bands?

And I'm told that some of these bands are now exhibiting more characteristics of "real" heavy metal. I'm not impressed and I don't care. I'd rather listen to bands that knew what the fuck they were doing from day one.

Heavy metal means something to me, and I have no respect for anybody that shits on it.

(edit: added "as a remedy" and "don't care" where I had left them out on original posting)
New metal does not exist other than in the media, which coined the term in the first place - Do you know any band of that stripe that would call their own music really "Nu Metal"?

I can actually appreciate some of the alleged "nu"-bands, mainly SOAD (more hardcore and thrash mixed with ethnical elements) and Tool (progressive rock in the sense of the word). Never would I claim these to be heavy metal.

I have no problem with crap like Limp Bizkit either, because it is simply not metal at all. I only have a problem with cross-dressers trying to sell you things for metal that essentially are not. Seeing people discuss the new metal "genre" makes me assume nothing else but that they have bought into what the music media tells them.

There are certain business parties that have realized that metal is a market to thrive on, so what they once named "nu metal" to differentiate it from the "metal of old" comes in a different packaging nowadays to be offered to those that were ignored before. Take as an example the clothing industry marketing everything from street weear to gothic-latex in a metal-context.

Metal has pulled itself out of the mud all on its own as far as its infrastructure and commercial success go within the last years with long-standing bands, labels and fans that are not concerned with the fad of the day.

It has nothing to do at all with an elitist-stance to stress one's intolerance towards the watering-down of heavy metal. I make no differnce here between nu metal, metal core or ideological and religious claptrap sneaking into "my" music.

I do make a difference between metal and other good music, which exists in large numbers. Unfortunately, the amount of shit is even larger, and the smell of it becomes hard to distinguish when it is perfumed by people that want to make money with it.

I want my metal to be metal, and whenever I want to listen to rap with distorted guitars and a political message, I throw in RATM and don't call it nu-metal or hip-hop metal.
Larsson said:
No. This is:

Well, both actually.

LOL, why didnt I find that one. :kickass:
I think that you get a Port-A-John, put all nu-metal bands in it(Limp Bizkit, Linkun Park and whatever else) stand back and like Devin Townsend says, "Ready- Steady-Aim- Fire at the john with a rocket propelled grenade launcher and blow it to smithereens. BTW, please give Korn and Fred Durst, or whatever that idiot's name is their own hand grenades to stick up their collective arses. I guess I don't like nu-metal.
Jim LotFP said:
Are you saying that the term metal itself has no meaning? Or that it is somehow uncorruptable? Or no good if it isn't corrupted? What is your stance on the word "metal", or even better, "heavy metal"?

And do you really think that that music, which is created and listened to by choice, is analogous to racial stock, which can not be chosen by anyone? That anyone likes the no-bullshit original and unaltered version of an art form is the equivalent of a racist?

If I'm wrong or setting up a straw man argument, please, set the record straight.
All I'm saying is I'm tired of people saying shit like "metal shouldn't be mixed with this or that kind of music (usually rap). I have a friend who says that shit all the time and it is a very close-minded stance to have.
FRUGiHOYi said:
All I'm saying is I'm tired of people saying shit like "metal shouldn't be mixed with this or that kind of music (usually rap). I have a friend who says that shit all the time and it is a very close-minded stance to have.

As I said, fine to mix metal elements such as distorted guitars with rap, but then, it's not metal and should accordingly not be named so. Rap metal is neither "new" nor "metal". It is a crossover between hip-hop vocals and heavy guitars.

...or does distortion make Bryan Adams metal?
Occam's Razor said:
As I said, fine to mix metal elements such as distorted guitars with rap, but then, it's not metal and should accordingly not be named so. Rap metal is neither "new" nor "metal". It is a crossover between hip-hop vocals and heavy guitars.

...or does distortion make Bryan Adams metal?
I don't care what it's labeled as. You wanna label it metal, go ahead. It's not going to change the way the music sounds and that's the only thing that interests me.
Aside from old school stuff, and a few bands like Nevermore...the American rock/metal industry is a complete pile of crap. Excuse me, a lot of American metal is crap, but there are many bands as well that are awesome. Mostly the bands that are awesome are death bands, melodic death bands, and progressive bands. The rest is emo/ nu-metal bullshit. As mentioned in this thread, all of that shit is just marketed to people who are always in the downlfall of their world. Who are having troubles with school, life, work...whatever.

I can appreciate System of a Down. Toxicity is an awesome album, and I don't have a problem with Serj's political lyrics, and his messages. They are creative, and their music is catchy. Serj does fade away from the political stuff as I've observed. I don't blame him for his messages and what not, because those innocent people didn't have to die in Armenian, and governmnet in many countries is just bullshit. So it's time a few bands step up and say, "fuck you, and here's why". Whatever, I'd take System of a Down over any other nu-metal band.

It's about how you innovate your music, and how you present it. I'm tired of all these nu-bands/hardcore/metal core/fucking emo bands just bashing away at their drums, and their guitars while screaming, "OH.....WHEN WILL SHE COME BACK!!!!! THIS IS MEANINGLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". They sometimes look so fake, and unreall...it's as if they aren't giving it their 100 perecent effort.

NU-METAL SUCKS. If I'm being ignorant here, then so be it. Usually I don't get on the ball like this, but I hate crap like Linkin Park, and what not. Not beacuse everyone else does, it's because it's not good music. They people who think it is...haven't experienced good music. Or they haven't experienced at least something that actually moves on, and you have a sense of, "Oh, cool...good stuff...it finished".