Discussion about nu-metal

affinityband said:
I dont think solos make a song interesting at all. Its a compliment and shouldnt be an excuse for a lack of creativity

When all you do in the rest of the song is write boring chugga-chug riffs then the lack of any kind of bridges or solos certainly doesn't help. In the end I don't even think it's a matter of lack of creativity, a lot of nu-metal guitarists just seem to be poor guitar players who can't actually seem to play anything other than powerchords. Look at that Jesus freak from Korn, do you remember the guitar solo he "dedicated" to Dimebag? It was atrocious, and his Jesus-laden solo song was laughable as well. And the songs they played on the MTV Icon Metallica tribute conveniently had the solos left out if I remember correctly. All of which leads me to believe that they simply can't do it.

Let's face it, your average powerchord-laden nu-metal song doesn't require a great deal of guitar skill in order to play compared to more traditional metal genres.
Look at that Jesus freak from Korn, do you remember the guitar solo he "dedicated" to Dimebag? It was atrocious, and his Jesus-laden solo song was laughable as well. And the songs they played on the MTV Icon Metallica tribute conveniently had the solos left out if I remember correctly. All of which leads me to believe that they simply can't do it.

let's not forget the complete butchering of another brick in the wall pt. 2.
I've never had a massive issue with that cover, they did something different with it it. It's not great but it's not terrible.

Generally speaking i don't particularly like Korn there's one song that stands out "Got the Life" and that's all.
Idiots... Munky can solo all day. I've heard him do it live in between songs and it was awesome (much better than Head's solo thing). Plus, they didn't have time to play all of One on MTV Icon. And Another Brick in the Wall (lackluster studio version I admit, but awesome live version) was parts 1, 2, and 3 put into one.
Btw nu-metal has solos.

Underground means exactly that, doofus. Underground means not on the radar of the mainstream music scene. I don't see what other meaning you could possibly attach to it.
No, it´s just explained this way in most cases.

How does the fact that nu-metal "is not supposed to have" guitar solos detract from the point I was making (which is that nu-metal sucks). Nu-metal is for the most part simplistic chugga-chug powerchord riffing with no real interesting or creative songwriting behind it and no interesting guitar leads to atleast bring some diversity to the table. Which is an inherent flaw of the genre and which is why I don't see the point in listening to it anymore now that I have discovered more musically interesting bands.
You douchebag, your preferences in music doesn´t make any genre better or worse, you can´t critique ANY genre for its elements, you can critique the quality level of that elements, sure, you may not like it, but that does mean nothing.

:Wreath: said:
electronica rulz...

edit: is massive attack somehow linked to this genre? if so, I wasn't joking :D
Massive attack is electro/jazz/hip-hop/downtempo/something, easily trip-hop.
Goober said:
Alrighty everybody, i am curious what exactly makes most of you hate nu-metal.

I just like a few bands like Slipknot, Mudvayne... and... and... mmmm... That's all :) The rest of the bands sucks...

Oh... and I like some things of Coal Chamber... "Maricon Puto"... :lol: That's a funny name... isn't it?
Fredy_Brown said:
No, it´s just explained this way in most cases.

Maybe you can enlighten me as to what the term "underground" really means then, since it obviously does not refer to music that resides out of the mainstream because that would just be far too logical. Let's hear it.

Fredy_Brown said:
You douchebag, your preferences in music doesn´t make any genre better or worse, you can´t critique ANY genre for its elements, you can critique the quality level of that elements, sure, you may not like it, but that does mean nothing.

I have no idea what this means, sorry. I explained why I don't like nu-metal by giving rather specific examples of the various traits that nu-metal has and what I dislike about them. Seems perfectly sensible to me. So far all you have done is spout your usual jibberish without actually countering any of my arguments.
Mtv generates endless nu metal bands, I am starting to think they are the ones that created this mess. Headbangers ball should be called Nu metal ball, it is nothing but advertisments of bands they think you should listen to. They are corrupting metal making all the young kids think that this is metal, but it is not, it is plastic fake crap and most of these bands will die off. Every week there is a new one just as shitty as the other, no originality, no guitar skills and they all go.... chug chugedy chug chug chugedy chug chug chugedy chug chug. It is almost like Master P's no limit records, were a new act comes out every week, but the expiration date is on the back of the cd.
Heheh, No Limit Records was hilarious. Assembly line rap music! Even all of the album covers and artist names were practically identical (poorly photoshopped collages of bling with lots of dollar signs) and everyone guested on everyone else's album. Good times.
Maybe you can enlighten me as to what the term "underground" really means then, since it obviously does not refer to music that resides out of the mainstream because that would just be far too logical. Let's hear it.
Music which has developed a cult following, independent of their commercial success. Commercial success =/= mainstream.
I wasn't impressed with Mudvayne's newest release. Actually I was quite disappointed. The End of All Things to Come was a great album IMO. Maybe that was their peak ???

I listen to lots of Nu-Metal. I've been listening to it for years, before I even realized that kind of music was labeled the Nu-Metal Genre. Sevendust was my band back in the day. I've seen them live atleast 7 times. I was also a big Deftones & Korn fan. Limp Bizkit was great back when "Significant Other" came out. Freddy D. put on a cool live show every time. The toilet at Ozzfest was hilarious.
Fredy_Brown said:
Music which has developed a cult following, independent of their commercial success. Commercial success =/= mainstream.

Nice job copy/pasting from Wikipedia. And yes, commercial success does equal mainstream. Bands that sell millions of records are mainstream. My brain is actually melting from how retarded this argument is. Christ.