Nuendo 4 announced!


Dec 11, 2002
looks amazing, new features new automation, new plug -ins..

but heres the kicker...

upgrade costs $249

upgrade with a score editor, drum editor, and cubase vsti's costs an addition $150..

stupid Steinberg marketing shoots itself in the foot again...

Nuendo is supposed to always have all the features of we have to pay extra for features we have in the early versions....

yeah but it's lame when the "promise" was Nuendo would always have the latest Cubase features...

technically unless you buy the "nek" pack you are not getting all the features...

anyone wanna buy a nuendo 3 license?
I will probably need to crossgrade up from Cubase 4 to Nuendo again for my AV work at some point in the future if my clients move on up, but I will be holding out as long as I can and sticking with N3 for AV and Cubase 4 for music.
I think steinberg did some things in the past, that were very fucked up for us USERS. But cubase 4 worth it. It works perfect on my macBook pro( newest one)

It´s just a dream commin true for me. I always used PC´s and fucking windows. I recorded a song with a band and everything is ready. Bamb. Pc breakdown. After restarting all vocal tracks were gone.

I always thought this was a cubase problem but after my MAC I know this is a Microsoft problem.

So I think nuendo 4 goin to be a dream on macs... But to loose plugins for updating is kinda cuntish;)

But for me, my workflow is cubase and nuendo the best on the market.
I worked one year with logic and it was a pain in the ass.
Pro Tools is ok but I dont want to pay 7000euro for what I have now with cubase.

I always thought this was a cubase problem but after my MAC I know this is a Microsoft problem.

Actually it´s not Microsoft fault. Some Windows crashes because the third part hardware companies write their drivers like arses, and when they conflict with another driver (of hardware from another company that it´s on your computer), Windows gives you the blue screen of death and you blame Microsoft. I´ve found that Mac OSX is far more unstable than Windows XP/Vista based only on the software. Usually people have less trouble with Macs because Apple sells the entire computer (overpriced) with their own hardware (or from the company that they choose, like Intel), so all the drivers will work together. It´s like a videogame, comes ready from the box. Windows Vista was suposed to solve this problem, only allowing hardware with Microsoft quality signature drivers to be installed, but this is making people furious because many hardware they already have doesn´t have drivers well written and Vista won´t let it work.
Logic 8 is not even in the same league as Nuendo 4- Go to the site and watch the videos..Nuendo is now totally entrenched as a high end post production facility. I think the problem is Nu4 is too much for me. I have a buyer for my license and I will make out good with it.
Logic 8 is not even in the same league as Nuendo 4- Go to the site and watch the videos..Nuendo is now totally entrenched as a high end post production facility. I think the problem is Nu4 is too much for me. I have a buyer for my license and I will make out good with it.

hmm. logic is pretty powerful and ery stable at least for me. i found it much more stable than sonar on pc and cubase on pc... then again i hacvent tried cubase on mac as in my experience everythign is more stable on mac but for me i feel like logic aside from the complexity can match up to any major DAW. isn't nuendo basically the same thing as cubase but better video editing? said:
Side Chaining and Drag & Drop for FX plug-ins

The new side chaining ability of selected new VST 3 plug-ins included in Nuendo opens up new creative possibilities for Nuendo users.
Signals received from the channel sends or track outputs and can be routed to any side chain-enabled plug-in and control predefined parameters in the plug-ins or used as a modulation source. This allows fast and easy setup for ducking effects, frequency-specific dynamic processing or controlling a modulation effect with another signal. Nuendo 4 insert FX plug-ins can be copied or swapped using drag & drop both as inserts on individual tracks and between tracks for fast, smooth effect handling.

Sidechaining only for VST3 plugins and not for existing 3rd party plugs?...what a joke. This is a basic function that's been available in other major DAWs for years. After another few hours fighting with CS4 last night I'm seriously considering jumping ship back to Sonar, which I swore I wouldn't do after version 3 and it's lack of automation.