Tubbs Mcgee said:
I know Russell is better, but let's be serious here. I really don't think Romeo is BETTER than Petrucci, but is definitely AS good as him. The difference here is Petrucci plays more progressive metal stuff and Romeo plays in a neo-classical metal way.

People have their opinion about James Labrie, I think he suits DT fine.

hahahaha learn something about guitar please, then come back

Tubbs Mcgee said:
Wow. That wasn't very inciteful. I actually happen to know very much about guitar.

EDIT: I can't believe people think Romeo is that much better.

EDIT TWICE: Took out all the mean words... don't want to make anyone cry, now.

Seriously though, Out of interest, give me some details on why you think Pertrucci could possibly be better than Romeo.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Look at my name.


Do I look like the kind of person who wants to explain things?


So I won't.

It's my opinion that he's just as good, and if you can't handle it, then perhaps you shouldn't be on here.


exactly its your opinion and thats why I wanted to hear your reasoning. An opinion without any reasoning behind it is useless. And Im guessing its not that you don't want to, its that you can't..;)
Hyperborean Exile said:
What about Daylight Dies? I've heard good things about them but I could never tell if that was just Katatonia fanboys raving over a Katatonia-soundalike or if that band actually has some merit to it.

I went to school with Barre, and, while he is a good guy, there's nothing really original going on in their work either, at least the stuff I came in contact with (granted, this was 6 or 7 years ago).

Daylight Dies has come a LONG way in the last 6 years. In fact, they have a new CD coming out March 7, 2006 on Candlelight Records. You should REALLY check them out again... they have a sample of the new material up at http://www.candlelightrecordsusa.com/audio/alifelesslived_sample.mp3

IMO, Daylight Dies will be the saviour of the NWOAHM. Their new CD "Dismantling Devotion" is a masterpiece.
Just my two cents on this (I was linked to this thread):

I don't think it's fair (to any band) to make a comment on how a band currently sounds with how they sounded 6-7 years ago.

If you're honestly curious about us, certainly listen to the mp3 sample listed above (and in my signature) from our new album "Dismantling Devotion" (mixed w/ Jens Bogren @ Fascination Street & Mastered @ The Cutting Room) and perhaps borrow a copy from a friend when it comes on March 7 to get a better taste of what we're doing nowadays. We're absolutely no clone of anyone.

In case you're curious what a few are saying about our new album so far..

A few brief reviews that are starting to come in from European press:

Blabbermouth.net review:
jesse said:
Just my two cents on this (I was linked to this thread):

I don't think it's fair (to any band) to make a comment on how a band currently sounds with how they sounded 6-7 years ago.

If you're honestly curious about us, certainly listen to the mp3 listed above from our new album "Dismantling Devotion" (mixed w/ Jens Bogren @ Fascination Street & Mastered @ The Cutting Room) and perhaps borrow a copy from a friend when it comes on March 7 to get a better taste of what we're doing nowadays. We're absolutely no clone of anyone.

In case you're curious what a few are saying about our new album so far..

A few brief reviews that are starting to come in from European press:

Blabbermouth.net review:

damn, gotta respect that
As a citizen of the state of Iowa I feel I should give my opinion on this topic. Personally, the area I live in which is the shoutheast part of Iowa is a hotbed for bands that are in the hardcore/emo/screamo scene. Personally I am going to admit that I do go to quite a few hardcore/screamo concerts in my area. I do it mostly because it's a concert and why not if the charge is only $5 for 6 bands.

Now being around all these hardcore/emo fans has made me kind of realize why so many people love this type of music. Emo is pretty much a genre based on letting broken hearted teens have music to weep to. I'll admit that I am a sucker for a few emo bands. I am only 19 years old and the bands that I listen to that are emo are ones that I have a close bond to with my girlfriend and a couple friends. We can actually bond with this music, although it is almost a guilty pleasure for me.

Hardcore is another story. I go to hardcore shows as well and I have also found some keen observations while at them. For one, I admit I am a fan of some hardcore bands, however, I do consider them like emo a guilty pleasure. I dont read the lyrics in the liner notes of the emo/hardcore cds I have and study them and fall in love with every word like I do with my Opeth and other prog/metal bands. HOWEVER, I realize why so many people like me have a soft spot for hardcore, it's the feeling you get from it. A breakdown is the most overused part in every hardcore song, however being at a concert and feeling the emotion of a breakdown is a pretty cool feeling, no matter how many bands overuse it.

With all of this being said, there is nothing like Opeth for me. I have never ever ever ever been moved in any physical/mental way like I have with Opeth. I have no desire to share my love of Opeth with friends/family because it is mine. Although I'm only 19 Opeth will be with me for the rest of my life. They have impacted me more than anything ever has in my life. Like most of you I worship Opeth not becuase they are super heavy and super soft, but becuase they have become such a part of our lives. For the past five years I have listened to Opeth, every CD of theirs over and over again, and every time I realize how great it is to know this band, and that alone is why no matter what else I listen to, Opeth always comes first.