fuck tubbs. u always manage to hit the nail one the head....

except when u dont...

i havent listened to Arsis (terrible name) but I will defenitly check them out if they are getting so much praise... however, i cant listen to any NEW american metal other than Nevermore...
Nevermore is not new, and shouldn't even be in this thread.
Mike and James from Arsis worked for my dad at the rec center in Williamsburg, VA which is pretty funny I think.
And arsis played with that ballet group last month who's doing opeth songs soon
Lamb of God is really good. The guys are all very talented and write some good music.

Unearth are good too. I used to not like them because they were "typical metalcore", but once I tried listening to them, I really grew to like them.
I think the operative word is "NEW." Nevermore have been around forever.

Slough Feg, Mastodon, The Sword, Earthride, Sunn0)))

Don't look to the mainstream metal bands for good american metal. You won't find any.
Lamb of god have really talented guitarists and their drummer is awesome, but the singers voice gets on my fucking nerves.
What about Daylight Dies? I've heard good things about them but I could never tell if that was just Katatonia fanboys raving over a Katatonia-soundalike or if that band actually has some merit to it.

High on Fire is pretty fucking good. I don't know if they count though, they were formed in '98.
You need to take that second a in Mastadon and switch it with that first o in Agolloch.

Why yes, I do like to nitpick.

Ontopic: Mastodon are indeed awesome. Their drummer is amazing and they have a nice unique sound to them.