NYC Show Rocked!!


Aug 1, 2002
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Hey guys, last night's show in NYC was definetly the best Evergrey show I've seen in my life. The band seemed to be really enjoying it and having fun. I was riight upfront with my girlfriend, both singing along every single song and Tom Englund gave us his guitar pick. Shit, what a happy moment! =) CoB and IE kicked some ass too... Ripper is unbelievable live.... :headbang:
That's awesome to hear that the show was so great man. Evergrey is my absolute favorite band of all time, and I'm gonna see them at the Jaxx here in VA this sunday--and I will definately be in the front, rocking out and taking awesome pictures! My friends and I are gonna try to meet Evergrey after they play, or hell, even before, if we're lucky that is. C.O.B. rule too--i saw them back in December with Devildriver, Hypocrisy, and Dimmu Borgir.
Rock on--stay grey!
Yeah man, you wont be disappointed!
There was this asshole trying to get me and my girlfriend outta the show last nite because we were taking pictures, which wasn~t allowed. Make sure you check the Camera Policy at the Jaxx. Fortunately, he gave us another chance. It was enough to take some 5 or 6 pics of Evergrey!

Enjoy the show, stay grey!
The show was awesome. I was singing along to one of the songs and I must've been the only one in my area doing so... Tom gave me the \m/ sign and looked right at me. After the concert, I met Tom by the merchandise stand, an me and my friend got autographs. We talked for a little while, and he said that they'd be touring the US again after the summer. Really looking forward to seeing them.

I'm just pissed that I gave my friend my camera to hold because I was moshing to Iced Earth. When I met Tom I really wanted a picture. Oh well. I got him to sign a dollar bill, and he said something funny like "What, is this all I'm worth to you?" :loco: :D

Really awesome show. :headbang:
That's hardcore awesome that you guys got to meet them. I can't wait. I'm pretty sure cameras are allowed at Jaxx--not sure though. I think it depends on the band. But I'm bringing one anyway-- :D --I have been to a shitload of shows, and for almost every one I've managed to sneak in a camera. We'll see though. I've been to every place EXCEPT Jaxx, but I hear that it's quite small, which means you get to be exceptionally close to the bands-- :headbang: --however, the show is also sold out, so I know it's gonna be packed. All the better though, cuz Evergrey is the best, and they deserve to play sold out shows!
Rock on--stay grey!
Evergrey kicked ass last night. They did the same seven song setlist as before, but they all sounded great and got a good response from the crowd, including the two new songs they played, and I'd say that End Of Your Days was better than on RD. I got to meet three-fifths of the band later on, and they were all very nice guys...
Funniest part was when during the show he mentioned the new album and I yelled "The Inner Circle" before he say the name... lol.. he got quiet for 2 seconds, pointed at me and asked the crowd : "See??"

Cant wait to see them in the summer!!!
asphyXy said:
We talked for a little while, and he said that they'd be touring the US again after the summer. Really looking forward to seeing them.

Hell yeah! I hope it is true! Maybe headlining this time?
AngraRULES said:
Funniest part was when during the show he mentioned the new album and I yelled "The Inner Circle" before he say the name... lol.. he got quiet for 2 seconds, pointed at me and asked the crowd : "See??"

Cant wait to see them in the summer!!!

That's awesome. That reminds me of when I was at the Cleveland show and Tom was in between songs and said "This next song has only been performed once before, at ProgPower" and before he even had the chance to say the song the guy next to me yelled "TRILOGY OF THE DAMNED". Tom looked like a deer in headlights and then repeated, yep, Trilogy of the Damned. Actually the guy who yelled it was none other than the almighty "SteelReign" if you have seen him post before.
AngraRULES said:
Funniest part was when during the show he mentioned the new album and I yelled "The Inner Circle" before he say the name... lol.. he got quiet for 2 seconds, pointed at me and asked the crowd : "See??"

Cant wait to see them in the summer!!!
I remember that :headbang:

I screamed Inner Circle right after you. I was waiting for the right moment... oh well.
Yeah, I'm sorry that I ruined your attempt for the 3 seconds of fame! LoL

Other awesome thing that Tom did, was when my girlfriend asked him for his guitar pick in the beginning of The Masterplan. Then in the end of the song, while he was thanking the crowd and stuff he gave it to her (obviously it was for and played the rest of the song without it, skipping this little riff cause obviously he couldnt play without it... Tom Englund rules!
can someone give me the setlist I can't remember LOLLLL! Please. Only remember "Blinded" ( I was at the Montreal gig on april 28th! FUCKIN' great show!!!!! COB and Iced Earth kicked some major asses too!!)