O.K CABINET BUYING TIME! + possible comparrison test. .... Please recommend

Well, over the past 18 months I have bought some equipment, but have always felt that having just the one cabinet for live and recording just isnt enough.
I have money put away, (so price does not matter), and am looking to rent different cabs out, so that I can make a judgement.
The only hassle is, is that there are so many out there, so renting 10 or more is probably out of the question.

So I have come here to ask all you good chaps, to please rate your favourite 3 cabs in order, and I can make a descision on which 3 to hire. My chain will be Ibanez rg 7620 (invader pups) using several boost pedals individually, (maxon 808, hbe powerscreamer, hbe uno mos, hbe gary holt doomsday device, boss metalzone, boss super overdrive, boss gl-100 preamp) running into 3 amps individually, (XXX, 6505+, 5150).

So as you see, there are a few hundred combinations out there with all this gear, and I was thinking, when I go ahead and do this, I might as well record every combination and put them up in a comparison test.
and XXX > MAXON 808 > MESA O/S V30s
and XXX > MAXON 808 > MARSHALL 1960 GT12-75s etc ...... etc

It would take a while and a bit of stuffing around, but probably worth it.
So I ask you my friends, your humble opinion on your 3 favourite cabs.:headbang:

I own a RANDALL WARHEAD w/V30s, a PEAVEY 6505 w/? and a line 6 SPIDER w/SHIT:lol: I have a friend with Marshall V30s, Greenbacks, gt 12 75s, Soldano V 30s x 2, Mesa V30s traditional, Krank rev jr single speaker ( do not know off the top of my head whats in that one) and a home made jobby with LARANTZ! All are 4x12 except the krank, which is a single enclosure.
Also, for a comparison test, what song or riff would you suggest? Drums or no drums? Single, double or quad tracked? Raw files or finished files?
This would be a huge undertacking, and if all goes to plan, I will try and get my hands on other boost type pedals such as a ZW-44 and others.
I have heard a lot of good files using engl, mesa, krank etc, so I think the 3 to hire will come from one of these.

I just think it would be awesome to here all the different variables with each piece of equipment:kickass:

Let us know what you all think ........ CHEERS!:headbang:
Well first off I might suggest getting some heads other than all Peaveys ;) Perhaps a 5150/6505, Dual Rec, and, I dunno, a Krank Revolution maybe

As for cabs, I'd say Mesa Rectifier Standard (AKA Oversized), Mesa Stiletto (AKA Traditional), Marshall 1960, and Engl Pro 4x12! OOOOOOOhhh, and if you could get an Engl XXL 4x12, I would be ETERNALLY grateful! :worship:

And personally, to keep things simpler, I'd suggest just using a Tube Screamer and ditching all those other boosts
First: Your post has too much text to read for me right now (not your fault, but I have a 10 months old daughter and my brain is in a state that only fathers of 10 months old daughters understand...), but what I understood is that you're searching for a cabinet, right?
My advise: Don't care about what people say about cabs. In the end, YOU have to like it and you'll hear the difference in a second. That's what I did some 15 years ago: Search for the nearest, biggest music store, call them to make sure they have all the major cabs available (marshall, mesa, engl). Find a big car that fits at least 2 of your bandmates, your favorite amp, your guiar, a driver, and the cab that you'll gonna buy to take home.(or leave your friends at the store and take the cab home). Go into the store with all your friends and gear and try all the cabs with YOUR amp, YOUR guitar and YOUR friends judging the tone. It will take you 30 minutes to decide, I promise!
I drove 300 km for buying a cab at the age of 21 and I live in Germany, where 300 km is like crossing half the country, but it was worth it. I still love this cabinet.
I have mixed ~100 gigs for Major Label who used Peavy XXX and for live use my favourite by far with it is Marshall 1960A, because it just cuts thru the mix like butter without being too loud or fizzy when combined with on-axis SM57 slightly off center. I just usually highpass it at 100hz and remove the nasty palm-mute hum from ~150hz with EQ, thats usually all there is to it. I really like the Mesa OS too because it worked really fucking well with XXX (tried it at Tavastia one time)
Thanks for the info fellas.

METALISTIC, I will try my guts out to get the engl XXL for ya mate! Hopefully Billy Hydes in Melbourne have one sitting there. I will record a few clips with a mates triple rec, his krank rev jr, and if anyone is interested, (I would be keen anyways), his 2 soldano slo's.
P.S Thanks for the suggestions.:kickass:

Hey RIF, understand fully mate, been there with the 10 month olders! I will take your advice on (I own a statesman, its a huge car!) and pack everything into it and go and annoy Billy Hydes or Mannys or Allans! When I think about it, its probably will be the best way in the end. Sought of like a miny road trip.:lol:

AHJTEAM, interesting stuff, we have a 1960A here, havent tried it yet, but am keen on the results. We have the Mesa to. My favourite amp is the XXX at the moment, my 5150 did sound good until the power went out at my joint and flickered a few times before it came back on, and it hasnt sounded the same since.:cry:

Thanks GENIUS! You make a very strong case for the mesa os:lol: as do a lot of others. Me thinks this could be the all rounder of the lot.
Organizing all this wont happen over night, as I have to team up with my mate and a couple of guitar stores, but hopefully we will have something in the next few months.
My main 3 that I would love to hear would be the ENGL XXL, KRANK DIME, and if I can get my hands on one (although I doubt it) a VADER.

Thanks fellas for the info, and as I said, when it happens I will let ya's all know. Cheers all:kickass: