O/T Aerosmith and Motley Crue show

Dude, there is something wrong if you are judging Aerosmith by those songs... They were releasing kick ass music for 14 years before "Dude Looks like A Lady" ever came out. All those songs were a sad era for Aerosmith.. That would be like judging Alice Cooper for the "Trash" album or some of his eightees stuff.. Or "Hey Stoopid" and "The Man Behind The Mask"

Aerosmith 1973 - Awesome
Get your Wings 1974 - Awesome
Toys In The Attic 1975 - Awesome
Rocks 1976 - Awesome
Draw The Line 1977 - Awesome
Live Bootleg 1978 - Awesome
Night In The Ruts 1979 - Awesome
Rock In A Hard Place 1982 - Good
Done With Mirrors - 1985 Good
Permanent Vacation 1987- Hit and Miss
PUMP 1989 - Blah
Get A Grip 1993 - They released ALL the crappy songs as single. There were a couple good ones on there.
9 Lives 1997 1997- Hit and miss. A few real good tunes
Just Push Play 2001- Fucking terrible
Honkin On BoBo 2004 - Great stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't judge Aerosmith on those tunes... I just hate those songs the most 'cause those are the songs that we get bombarded with.
I know alot of people will disagree with me but ...Aerosmith :Smug:
But that's just me.
I gotta give you credit for the Alice Cooper thing though... nice shot.:lol:
Trash was trash, but I sort of enjoyed it a bit at the time.
Hey Stoopid however was WAY better.