O/T Boys- help me out! :(


Thrax chick
Sep 1, 2004
I have a weird question, but I figured since there were so many guys on this board, I could ask...
soooooo---(this is gonna sound bad no matter how I put it)
alright here goes- I have a boyfriend & I hung out with a guy friend of mine like 2 weeks ago, and......well, we wound up making out hardcore in his car. I was kinda buzzing, but he was sober. Truthfully, it would have happened if I was totally sober too, I just know it. anyway- so that happened, and I was like- whoa I crossed this huge line, and i was in the huge struggle of should I go for it, or totally back away? and my boyfriend and I had been fighting so I was like- fuck it! and this guy & I had been texting naughty little messages, and finally we were gonna hang out again- and I was like- whatever- let's go for it....and we were at a bar for a little, then we went to his car and- nothing was happening and I said "no fun for you?" and he said "I can't- you have a boyfriend." WHAT THE FUCK??????????? He knew I had a boyfriend 2 weeks ago while we were pawing at each other like starving animals! please guys, tell me what the fuck happened. ---and you've seen pics of me- I'm not hideous or anything...
:yow: :yow:

Sounds to me like the guy has a conscience....Or he fears your boyfriend....Or
He's a closet homo....I'm thinking choice "A"....But it's just a guess.

:yow: :yow:

Pink_Metal said:
I have a weird question, but I figured since there were so many guys on this board, I could ask...
soooooo---(this is gonna sound bad no matter how I put it)
alright here goes- I have a boyfriend & I hung out with a guy friend of mine like 2 weeks ago, and......well, we wound up making out hardcore in his car. I was kinda buzzing, but he was sober. Truthfully, it would have happened if I was totally sober too, I just know it. anyway- so that happened, and I was like- whoa I crossed this huge line, and i was in the huge struggle of should I go for it, or totally back away? and my boyfriend and I had been fighting so I was like- fuck it! and this guy & I had been texting naughty little messages, and finally we were gonna hang out again- and I was like- whatever- let's go for it....and we were at a bar for a little, then we went to his car and- nothing was happening and I said "no fun for you?" and he said "I can't- you have a boyfriend." WHAT THE FUCK??????????? He knew I had a boyfriend 2 weeks ago while we were pawing at each other like starving animals! please guys, tell me what the fuck happened. ---and you've seen pics of me- I'm not hideous or anything...
The guy got cold feet, he reminds me a bit of myself. :(

Some guys get cold feet after just flirting with a "taken" girl, others can have sex a couple of times before the conscience kicks in.

If you two feel like it maybe you should talk about his conscience?
So wrong Pink so very wrong. Dont cheat on your boyfriend. If you have a thing for this guy break up with him then do the other guy. Cheating is just so blah, so wrong and so unsexy... If you want other men , thats cool. But let your current boyfrriend off the the hook first. I agree with Tman. Once you lose the boyfriend you both will hook up.
Bad Pink!
Let your boyfriend go, it would be much easier than telling him you've been fucking some other bloke! Had it happen to me years ago and it was very uncool and knocked my confidence quite a bit. (although i have since fucked her sister)....
OK so you went for it, He jumped on it...... then he back's off .... does he know your boyfriend??? Maybe he's got a boyfriend... oops sorry a girlfriend.......
So you were willing to cheat on your boyfriend just because you hit a rough patch? Wow, that's just low. Your boyfriend sure can pick the winners cant he? :)

Also, even when "buzzing" you can tell the difference between right and wrong. It's not that hard.
Ground: I NEVER said it was OK. I didn't say I was proud of it- I feel terrible, but I can't help but feel hurt by this other guy too. I mean, it just confused the hell out of me. Even if it was the right thing for him to do- it wasn't expected, because HES the one who started the whole damn thing. it was like "oh gee, I wonder if this chick who has a boyfriend will mess around with me...OK she will......nevermind"
The victim argument is weak!!!!!!
You'd be better off standing your ground and saying...FUCK IT!! I did it it wasn't right but it's done!!!

You say he started the whole thing....Well you should've been smart enough to show a little self control and said no.....He's not really to blame here.

:yow: :yow:

Pink_Metal said:
Ground: I NEVER said it was OK. I didn't say I was proud of it- I feel terrible, but I can't help but feel hurt by this other guy too. I mean, it just confused the hell out of me. Even if it was the right thing for him to do- it wasn't expected, because HES the one who started the whole damn thing. it was like "oh gee, I wonder if this chick who has a boyfriend will mess around with me...OK she will......nevermind"
Pink_Metal said:
Ground: I NEVER said it was OK. I didn't say I was proud of it- I feel terrible, but I can't help but feel hurt by this other guy too. I mean, it just confused the hell out of me. Even if it was the right thing for him to do- it wasn't expected, because HES the one who started the whole damn thing. it was like "oh gee, I wonder if this chick who has a boyfriend will mess around with me...OK she will......nevermind"

It's good that you feel terrible. It shows that you have a consious, let it be a lesson to you not to fuck around.

You played with fire, got burnt, now learn the lesson and move on.

Also, It's up to you if you want to tell your boyfriend of this or not. If you do, he may never trust you fully again, and if you don't the guilt may grow. Decisions, decisions...
Pink_Metal said:
Ground: I NEVER said it was OK. I didn't say I was proud of it- I feel terrible, but I can't help but feel hurt by this other guy too. I mean, it just confused the hell out of me. Even if it was the right thing for him to do- it wasn't expected, because HES the one who started the whole damn thing. it was like "oh gee, I wonder if this chick who has a boyfriend will mess around with me...OK she will......nevermind"

It takes 2..... what were your motives?????
T man! did you not read what I wrote???????
I said I didn't say it was OK and I felt terrible!!!!
I DON'T think I'm a victim--- I was just curious as to why it happened like that. THAT'S ALL.
my "motive" I guess was that I was fighting w/ my BF about a GIRL (which I think made it worse) because I still don't know what really happened because he's lied to me about stuff before, and the girl lies but i don't know if she's making it up or not.. and i was frustrated, and yeah...my friend is cute, but I'm not like in love with him or anything...I was stupid..plain & simple
Ok, but if you want to find other reasons why he doesn´t want to fool around anymore besides cold feet, you better ask him in person, you thought he wasn´t attracted to you anymore? Like I wrote above, IF you want to find out why he´s not into you you have to ask him.
Pink_Metal said:
I was stupid..plain & simple

That's pretty much all you need to say.

Truthfully, i'd be thankful you don't have shitstorm on your hands. It could've easily happened.
If you're going to fuck around just be able to reap the wild wind when/if the shit comes down. Bottom line if you can live with it, then do it. If not, then don't.

Either way it dosen't make you a bad person or stain your character like others would lead you to believe.
Right on Greg...


I STILL AM.................. PAYING THAT IS......