O/T Boys- help me out! :(

On second thought fuck this nice guy advice. Dump your boy friend, fuck the other guy and then start lining board memebers up like the soldiers of metal we are and go down on TD, DD, Greg, Skorn, Buddy and the rest of us. At the end of the line Rob will be waiting... OH but I get to go first since I thought of it!
Or, maybe he was interrested in you and has been cheated on before. Perhaps this was a test before he invested too much energy in it.

Just a thought. I'm not a guy as you know, but full of 2 cents.
prime666 said:
On second thought fuck this nice guy advice. Dump your boy friend, fuck the other guy and then start lining board memebers up like the soldiers of metal we are and go down on TD, DD, Greg, Skorn, Buddy and the rest of us. At the end of the line Rob will be waiting... OH but I get to go first since I thought of it!

Thanks, but I'm gonna opt out. I have a problem w/having to respect the person I'm with and I don't ride gravy trains. Enjoy!
Skorned1 said:
Thanks, but I'm gonna opt out. I have a problem w/having to respect the person I'm with and I don't ride gravy trains. Enjoy!

I don't think you read what I wrote... Nowhere in that post did I say that you thought it was o.k., but this.......

Pink_Metal said:
HES the one who started the whole damn thing. it was like "oh gee, I wonder if this chick who has a boyfriend will mess around with me...OK she will......nevermind"

Is "It's not my fault, I'm the victim here" and that's a load of shit...Like it or not!!! I'm not judging you....If you cheat on your boyfriend 100 more times or never again it doesn't affect me (I'm not him) But don't lie to yourself about it. And from my point of view...I agree 100% with Muffys post....Because for as big an asshole as I can be....I would NEVER mess around with someone elses G/F...Whether I liked them or not it's just not the thing to do.

So he bears his share of the blame too..The only difference I can see is he realizes he fucked up whereas you're trying to see what went wrong...open your eyes the whole fucking scenario was wrong from the word go!!

:yow: :yow: :yow:

Pink_Metal said:
T man! did you not read what I wrote???????
I said I didn't say it was OK and I felt terrible!!!!
I DON'T think I'm a victim--- I was just curious as to why it happened like that. THAT'S ALL.
t-MAN: Ahhhh,,, ok, I get what you're saying, i read into it wrong...sorry, and your right.
TD: how sweet!
Prime: NAUGHTY!!!!! ....but Rob's in that picture??? hmmmmmmm
The most intelligent post in this thread!!!

Like I said Pink...I'm not judging you, but you asked for opinions and that's all I had....Read this TD post a few times and let the logic sink in!!!

:yow: :yow: :yow:

TD said:
She seems like a really great girl who made a mistake. Now it's time to own up to the B/F and see if they can survive this, and then move on.
Everyone makes a mistake now and again.
Ragamuffin said:

We have a winner.

My advice: Have unprotected sex with both and get preggers. Then go on Maury Povich wearing an Anthrax baby tee to promote the band and find out who the father is.
So Pink... didn't I tell you not to come here and talk about our seXcapades??? hehe Sorry. I just had to do it!
Just tell the truth and if your b/f still wants to go out w/you then cool. If not, well at least you won't be living a lie and should be able to move on with your life much quicker.
Skorned1 said:
Or, maybe he was interrested in you and has been cheated on before. Perhaps this was a test before he invested too much energy in it.

Just a thought. I'm not a guy as you know, but full of 2 cents.

I was thinking the same Skorned. Maybe the guy figured that if you'll cheat on your boyfriend now, that there's a possibility that if you guys hooked up and started dating that you would do the same to him. If you truly like this other guy, break up with your boyfriend before pursuing it any farther.