O/T: Bring on the Kings, the NBA finals have begun!


We all know that there is no way that a team from the Eastern Conference is gonna beat either the Kings or the Lakers, so the real Finals start Saturday at Arco Arena. The Lakers have to play on the road which sucks, but I don't think it bothers them that much. The Lakers have only lost 1 playoff game this season but they haven't looked very good. This could mean they are in for some serious trouble against Sacto, or it could mean Sacto are in for trouble when the Lakers get serious. There is this guy on the pantera board who constantly calls LA the Fakers. Funny, I haven't seen him tonight. BTW, I hope Boston makes it to the Finals to play LA, it would be retro-cool.
Originally posted by TD
We all know that there is no way that a team from the Eastern Conference is gonna beat either the Kings or the Lakers, so the real Finals start Saturday at Arco Arena. The Lakers have to play on the road which sucks, but I don't think it bothers them that much. The Lakers have only lost 1 playoff game this season but they haven't looked very good. This could mean they are in for some serious trouble against Sacto, or it could mean Sacto are in for trouble when the Lakers get serious. There is this guy on the pantera board who constantly calls LA the Fakers. Funny, I haven't seen him tonight. BTW, I hope Boston makes it to the Finals to play LA, it would be retro-cool.

Hey TD,

I believe that we will see a retro NBA finals series. The Boston Celtics are playing incredible(for them) right now and Paul Pierce has been upstopable! I believe the Nets/Celtics series is gonna be a barn burner, and so will the Kings/Lakers series. I see the Lakers winning the series against the Kings in 6 games, and we might see the Celtics advance to the finals in 7 games. Lakers are gonna win it again, I am almost %100 of it! Nobody can stop Phil Jackson(I think he may be the devil), Phil Jackson has not lost a playoff series since 1995! That is incredible in itself!


Yeah, the Lakers are just playing as good as they have to, not as good as they can be. There's plenty of reserve to turn it up a few notches.

I agree about hoping that the Celtics make it as their opponent. The only thing missing would be Magic and Kareem pounding on Bird and McHale. :lol:
For all the talk some have about how great the Kings are this year, they seem to forget that the Lakers won 3 of 4 against them this season and that the Kings haven't been to the conference finals since before they moved to Sacramento. I'm not too worried, if the Lakers don't go, it will probably more a lack of effort on the Lakers fault than any Kings superiority.
Game one: LAKERS
Homecourt advantage for the Kings: moot, gone
Kings confidence: they never appeared to have any

Normally, I wouldn't start talking after a game one, but even I had my doubts about the Lakers, because they looked woeful thus far. BUT tonight, they came right and showed thier "A-game" it was if they were saving it up for the Kings. Add to that, the Kings, although they kept it close, never looked confident. And after the loss, their body language and most especially their eyes, showed a beat team. Go back to game one of the NBA Finals 1998, the Bulls let the Jazz win game one, but at the end of the game, you could tell by the way they (the Bulls) walked off the court, and the look in thier eyes, that they weren't fazed. The Kings, they looked clueless tonight after the game. If the Kings lose game 2, it is over before it started.
The NBA is dead IMHO. They are now getting lower attendence then the XFL did right before it went under. Something's got to change.
Originally posted by KY_Fried442
The NBA is dead IMHO. They are now getting lower attendence then the XFL did right before it went under. Something's got to change.

ALot of people don't like the NBA, but just to clarify things, the sport still sells more tickets, draws more viewers, and makes more $$$$$$ than MLB or the NHL, so saying attendance is lower than the XFL is ludicrous. Yeah, shitty teams (hawks, cavs, heat) don't sell-out, and rightfully so, why pay to watch losers, but the NBA is doing fine. Not as good as the jordan led 1990s, but who/what will ever competer with that kind of popularity (on a worldwide scale) we will never know. All 3 leagues (nba, nhl, mlb) will continue to bow down to the NFL for years and years to come.
Shit, when you are a pro athlete you can eat all you want. I wish I was in that kind of shape. I remember watching a special on Holyfield training for a fight in 1995 or so. He had a rack of ribs and a half chicken (BBQ'd of course)and a bowl of macaroni and cheese and some peach pie! THAT WAS LUNCH!!! Then he swam 2 MILES, and JOGGED 4. I've said it on here before, if you are willing to work, you can eat and drink as much as you want. That is why you don't see fat hockey or basketball players, they have a whole court/rink to run/skate up and down 9months a year. Now, you will find fat football players (linemen) and baseball players.
Well yeah, "lead is lead" but if you work it off (which I don't do enough of) it doesn't matter, as long as you aren't eating 8 gallons of it. Two of my best friends growing up wound up being professional AMA riders. Those guys work out HARD, and they can eat and fucking eat. Filet Mignons, Pizza, and yes, cheesecake, and they never gain a pound. Have you ever seen the HBB special "Trail of Noise" that is all Anthrax did was eat, so they definitely find time to get in shape. Now Crowbar on the otherhand....................
Yeah, the best part of being pregnant is definitely the eating part. You get to say things like "But I HAVE to eat this ice cream, the baby needs CALCIUM" or "This double cheeseburger is a BALANCED MEAL." Hopefully I'll be as lucky this time as I was last time, I was back into my regular clothes within a couple of weeks...Hell, I'm still in my regular clothes right now...
The Lakers need to take back control of this series, I don't think they will win by 13, but I'd say they win by a comfortable margin. I get sick of watching C-Webb pout and Vlade flop, I'll tell ya that. The Kings would be more likeable if they had a little more character and weren't such whiners. They are as bad as the Blazers. At least the Spurs can get beat without crying. I'm not saying the Kings are bad mind you, but champions don't snivel.
OK, TD you are 100% correct about my saying the XFL attendence was higher then the NBA is ludicrous. I think I had a few too many when I posted that. I watched On The Record with Bob Costas when his guest was Vince McMahon and Vince made the comment that the XFL had more young male viewers then the NBA does now. How I got that they had better attendence from that is beyond me. I can only assume that what Vince said is true since Costas hates Vince and if that was wrong I would think he would have corrected him but who knows.
I used to LOVE the NBA, but in recent years it just lost it's appeal to me. I don't know exactly why but it just seems to be missing something these days. Of course my team has allways been the Pistons and we all know how much they suck now so that could be a big reason why I lost intrest.