O/T Dentist!


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
Gotta share this with you, I came down with fucking toothache that joined my flu-or-something-like-that so I got to see the dentist today. It was one of the most horrific experiences. It did even beat seeing Galactic Cowboys open for Anthrax back in 1996 :lol: I though to myself I'd rather be sitting in an electric chair. The doc gave me 3 doses of anasthesia (ONE is normal), yet it didn't help. AT ALL! When he thrusted his screaming drill into my mouth I'd rather have had a black gay dick in my ass. I was seriously thinking of hell. Am I such a chickenshit or what? Someone can admit labor pains are worse, or being kicked in the nuts (well I have been few times...), of course this hasn't been my first dentist visit, I've always hated that, but I guess it gets worse and worse as I grow older!
i know exactly how you feel. it seems like every 3 months(after i got my 1st tooth pulled) i have something else hurting. they say brush your teeth twice a day but that doesnt seem to work. i dont know about having a black dick in my ass tho.& yes it gets worse as u get older
Dude you're the 3rd person in 10 days that I know of that have had a fucked up dentist visit. You, My wife and the hot receptionist here @ work.
I like my dentist, he´s good. Sometimes I almost fall asleep when he´s checking my teeth. He´s kinda weird though, he has this really nasal, whiny voice... Hmmm... scary...
I was seriously considering asking him if he could hit me in the head hard, so I could be unconscious while drilling...eeeh...