O.T. Google buys You Tube??


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
Anyone hear about this?

I head on t.v. that google bought youtube.com for like 1.6 billion dollars :OMG:

Thats just freaking insane though who ever started you tube is a rich rich man!!!!
yep....but he still has to turn up for work on Monday like the rest of us :)

It's a condition the sale that the dudes who were running it keep doing so.
yep...going after YouTube was pointless for them as they didn't have any capital to speak of, to go after. Going after Google....now that's a completely different kettle of fish. Can't believe Google didn't think of that before they jumped in. They're likely to have something up their sleeve to get around the big lawsuits.