O/T: House of 1000 Corpses


Out of 5 stars, I'd give it 7.5!!
Don't go in expecting to be scared the way you were when you saw the Exorcist or anything. This is meant to viewed with a grain of salt, if you're a fan of old school horror, and horror movies take you to a fun place - then this is the flick for you. Rob Zombie did a cool job creating cool characters and a real cool setting. Ten times better than any of this "nu-horror" crap. For those of us who grew up on Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the Hills Have Eyes, this movie (which is a blatant rip off) "takes us back to a golden time...." and definitely is like strapping on your old school. A real fun movie to watch alone, or with appropriate companionship. It might even make you jump a couple of times. Some of the characters are golden.......... check out this movie, it's a fun time.
i'll have to check it out sometime,i always remember reading about how universal dropped it eventually and rob even said himself they were suprised they took the movie on in the first place.
Don't go in expecting to be scared the way you were when you saw the Exorcist or anything. This is meant to viewed with a grain of salt, if you're a fan of old school horror

You left a "BE "out///I had to do it,
gazmetal said:
Yeah, it's pretty cool. It would have been better if it wasnt cut though.

Yah, it's far from perfection, but Rob Zombie showed that he has a good feel for the look and feel of that genre, and what the ambience should be. He actually had a good plot going for a while, but I think it (has many horror movies do) took a turn for the worse towards the end. Some of the characters were quite memorable however, especially the Captain and his "Chicken and Gasoline" special. :tickled: He was funny as all get out. I think Rob's first film showed promise, and I hope Lions Gate greenlights some films for him. They are releasing some pretty good films of late (NARC anyone??) Lions Gate is releasing a crime film w/ Dustin Hoffman this summer, that (the name eludes me right at this moment) looks just outstanding, I'd love to see Lions Gate and Rob Zombie work together on some more horror films.
RIght on. Thanks for posting, Ty. I was gonna start a thread saying "Is it any good?"
Now I know. Gotta see it ASAP.
I agree with TD 100% on this one. I havn't seen a horror flick in the theater I've enjoyed this much in I don't know how long. It sure as hell took long enough for it to finally get released but it was worth the wait IMHO.
I'm sure we'll get a good uncut version when it comes out on DVD gazmetal.
Would've been alot better had it not been released at all. It was campy, yes and that's always fun, but did it really have to be a facsimile of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre? I think they had to digitally remove the fuckin' chainsaws to avoid a damn lawsuit.

I hear alot of people talking about this film like you either "get it" or you don't, and that's bullshit. I've waited for this movie for a long time now, and it turned out to be a complete waste of time, and about as cliched as horror movies get.

The ONE thing that could've made it even a little better, would've been the gore we all heard about that obviously never made it into the final cut. One of the tamest horor flicks, EVER is what we got instead. Lions Gate was boasting about how they embraced Zombie's vision and how bold they were for taking this project in. Bullshit. Either they castrated it, or Zombie never really had much gore in it to begin with.

Terrible, terrible, terrible movie.
poorchoiceofwords said:
Would've been alot better had it not been released at all. It was campy, yes and that's always fun, but did it really have to be a facsimile of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre? I think they had to digitally remove the fuckin' chainsaws to avoid a damn lawsuit.

I'm with pcow on this one, being a fan of Chainsaw the blatant similarities soured me on this film instead of making me enjoy it more. However, I was starting to get into the last 1/4 of the movie when they focused on Dr. Satan's stuff which I thought was pretty cool, but then it ended abruptly.
It was definitely a Chainsaw rip-off, but like I said, it was fun. I didn't say it was superior to Gangs of New York or Chicago. I don't take the gruesome b-horror genre very serious, if it can make me laugh at its audacity and maybe make me jump once or twice, then it's a winner. I think part of what makes "House" so hilarious is that IT IS the same damned story from Chainsaw.............
I just saw it. It was good. That one blonde chick was FINE!
You guys are right, it is a lot like Texas Chainsaw.
I'd give it an 8.5 out of 10.
I saw it again tonight with some friends who hadn't seen it. They all agreed, Sig Haid is hysterical! This is a fun movie. I can't wait to have Halloween get togethers watching this. I hope the DVD has some Sid outtakes, his character (Captain Spaulding) is soooo charismatic in a sick fetish way.
tattooedsean666 said:
that blond chick, if I am not mistaken, is rob zombie's girlfriend. :hotjump:

Yeah, I was thinking that too. She is on the CD of "Sinister Urge", I think.