O/T: My Mom Stalked Alice Cooper!!


Feb 4, 2002
Past the Point of Caring
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Okay, maybe "stalk" is a strong word for it. But she called me at 8 p.m. last night to tell me that she and my dad were bored waiting for my sister to finish her pedicure, so they went to McDonald's, and she spotted him but didn't want to bother him, so instead she looked over at him about 100 times, and he looked up just about every time, smiled and looked back down. Then he went to the men's room and had to pass them on the way so she decided to talk to him on his way back, so when he came back she said "Excuse me, are you Alice Cooper?" and he said yes and shook their hands and said he had to go because he had his son with him and then he left in a Corvette (that my dad parked next to). My mom was shocked that he was in a golf shirt and wearing a hat, apparently she expects him to wear stage clothes 24/7. She was also very shocked that he was in McDonald's, as if the man never eats. Anyhoo, this happened at lunch time and at 8 o'clock she was still gushing about it like a school girl. And I just finally stopped hearing about how my dad met Garth Brooks. I'm going to hear this for the next ten years. Yay. My mom met Alice Cooper before I did. :Smug:
The last time I was eating at Cooperstown, I asked my waitress (who was all of 21 at the most) if Alice ever comes in to visit. She said why yes, he was here last month (presumably while on tour) and he was quite nice, but "I didn't realize he was a he" :tickled: So she thought she worked for some women named Alice!

Also, a buddy of mine's dad lives in Phoenix, and they see him at the country club all the time I guess. Neither one are rock fans so they don't find him all that cool, the dorks.

I'd love to meet Alice, he's been one of my favorite entertainers for years now, and I'd especially like to talk to him now that I've found out he is a Master Mason.
AlexStomp said:
That's awesome. I've run into celebs a few times. It's why I carry a digital camera on me at all times just in case.
You work at a famous restaurant, right? Who have you met? I think you might have listed this before....... Who leaves good tips, and who sucks?

btw- You're almost at 666 posts.
Joe Millionaire left 15 bucks on a check that would have been 120 but was comped. I waited on Mike Tyson once and he didn't like what was on the menu so he had the chef make him a chicken burrito. Teri Hatcher was hot. I waited on her once and she was wearing next to nothing. I'm met the Fonz, Jack Tripper, Anthony Hopkins and some of the other actors in Hannibal, Kirk Douglas and Zeta Jones, Woodie Allen, Margaret Cho ( I think that's her name), Kevin Spacey, nsync, among others, but that's all I can think of off the top of my head.
Oh, also, when I'm working and someone famous comes in, I can't ask them for a photograph or I'll get fired. I've also met the Clintons, Joe Lieberman, the Gores, most of Clinton's cabinet, Bush's cabinet, a shitload of high profile senators and congressman. Also, I wait on the gov. of Virginia all the time, and I wanna tell him what a dick I think he is, but I can't.
AlexStomp said:
Oh, also, when I'm working and someone famous comes in, I can't ask them for a photograph or I'll get fired. I've also met the Clintons, Joe Lieberman, the Gores, most of Clinton's cabinet, Bush's cabinet, a shitload of high profile senators and congressman. Also, I wait on the gov. of Virginia all the time, and I wanna tell him what a dick I think he is, but I can't.

Too bad you couldn't tell him what you think of him.
Too bad you couldn't tell Joe that parents need to be responsible of their children, and that it's not the violent-videogames' fault.
Phxthrax said:
My wife's been there when her company had a party of some sort. She said the place is BAD ASS!

The Cleveland Cooperstown is a fun place to be! The food isn't 5 star by any means, but it is stick to your ribs Americana :loco: Ribs, steaks, burgers, the prices and quality are about in line w/ what you'd pay/get at the Hard Rock or TGI Fridays. The decor is great. They have a working 1978 Bally KISS Pinball Machine (wish mine worked) several Gold and Platinum Alice records. Pics of Alice w/ Liza Minnelli, Salvadore Dali, and Vincent Price, and great Cleveland Indians, Browns, and Cavaliers memoribilia, as well as Ali (who fought in Cleveland throughout his career) and other sports icons. Also, other bands such as Ted Nugent (bow and arrow) are featured.
TD said:
The Cleveland Cooperstown is a fun place to be! The food isn't 5 star by any means, but it is stick to your ribs Americana :loco: Ribs, steaks, burgers, the prices and quality are about in line w/ what you'd pay/get at the Hard Rock or TGI Fridays. The decor is great. They have a working 1978 Bally KISS Pinball Machine (wish mine worked) several Gold and Platinum Alice records. Pics of Alice w/ Liza Minnelli, Salvadore Dali, and Vincent Price, and great Cleveland Indians, Browns, and Cavaliers memoribilia, as well as Ali (who fought in Cleveland throughout his career) and other sports icons. Also, other bands such as Ted Nugent (bow and arrow) are featured.

I hear on the radio sometimes when he's been at ours - the Phoenix one - or plans on showing up for some sort of local event sometimes with other "stars".
Cincy Vigilante said:
ya should have spit in the Clintons food...just kidding...;)

They must have had at least 75 secret service men working. And this was pre 9/11. They had like 4 or 5 testing all the food with what ever chemicals or solvents that detect poisons that went out to the first family, including a taster. And the secret service brought their own beverage station for the first family.
Yeah, they would have ran DNA tests and figured out it was you and arrested your ass, probably made you the patsy for the White Water scandle... and then you would have ended up on Clintons death list. google Clintons death list its pretty interesting.
AlexStomp said:
They must have had at least 75 secret service men working. And this was pre 9/11. They had like 4 or 5 testing all the food with what ever chemicals or solvents that detect poisons that went out to the first family, including a taster. And the secret service brought their own beverage station for the first family.

Taste testing food for the President in case someone wants to kill him. Now there's a job to be proud of. :erk:
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Okay, maybe "stalk" is a strong word for it. But she called me at 8 p.m. last night to tell me that she and my dad were bored waiting for my sister to finish her pedicure, so they went to McDonald's, and she spotted him but didn't want to bother him, so instead she looked over at him about 100 times, and he looked up just about every time, smiled and looked back down. Then he went to the men's room and had to pass them on the way so she decided to talk to him on his way back, so when he came back she said "Excuse me, are you Alice Cooper?" and he said yes and shook their hands and said he had to go because he had his son with him and then he left in a Corvette (that my dad parked next to). My mom was shocked that he was in a golf shirt and wearing a hat, apparently she expects him to wear stage clothes 24/7. She was also very shocked that he was in McDonald's, as if the man never eats. Anyhoo, this happened at lunch time and at 8 o'clock she was still gushing about it like a school girl. And I just finally stopped hearing about how my dad met Garth Brooks. I'm going to hear this for the next ten years. Yay. My mom met Alice Cooper before I did. :Smug:

i am pretty sure he could turn pro at golf,i think he is on even handicap!