O/T: sorta....types of metalllll


Apr 28, 2005
can someone explain to me the 750 different types of metal out there now? I just dont get it all.....NuMetal, metal core, gore core, grind core, apple core.... got me stumped. One of you has to list this shit out and give some band examples for all these different metal type. While your at it can anyone explain to me why band names need to be sentence these days instead of a word or two? Maybe I am just an old fuck too outta touch .. dunno...."take me back to a heavy time" ..........
Gay-core: Most so called Nu-metal and Emo bands evolve into this on their second album with bitter songs about how their dads refused to start a sexual relationship with them on their 16th birthday. They also do a really bad disco-cover on that album to show they really know what irony is all about.

Julio-core: Harder than grindcore and more explicit than hardcore pornography, hold on to you panties (or throw them at the singer).
Arg_Hamster said:
Gay-core: Most so called Nu-metal and Emo bands evolve into this on their second album with bitter songs about how their dads refused to start a sexual relationship with them on their 16th birthday. They also do a really bad disco-cover on that album to show they really know what irony is all about.

Don't make fun of Good Charlotte ! :lol:
Anthrax_Mosher said:
Yeah those guys are fucking great. I was listening to their greatest hits cd today. :rock:

I really detest them (along with 95% of all Nu-metal). But as long as you´re not wearing the same stupid red hat as Durst (and all the little kids who adored him) I think I can live with it.
Arg_Hamster said:
I really detest them (along with 95% of all Nu-metal). But as long as you´re not wearing the same stupid red hat as Durst (and all the little kids who adored him) I think I can live with it.
As comic book guy would say:
"Worst band ever."