o/t: The Colorado Avalanche


Feb 2, 2002
How about them Avalanche? This reminds me (a native of Colorado) of the way the old Denver Donkeys used to play in the super bowl!:lol:
I'm glad I'm not a fan!
The Red Wings are Kicking Ass!
As I've said many times before, I'm not surprised that the Red Wings will win the Cup...after all, they already paid for it. I wish someone would beat them, but the Hartford Whalers, er Carolina Hurricanes aren't about to do it.

It's a shame about the Avalanche's colossal collapse...it would have been funny to see the Nordiques vs. the Whalers in the Stanley Cup final (who could have pictured that a decade ago?) :lol:
Red Wings have had a decent team the last 10 years and certain recent acquisitons got higher offers by other teams and/or other players took pay cuts. However, I'm too happy to argue. Talk about getting a monkey off your back. It's not over yet but it feels like we won the war. I started to feel sorry for Roy when the fans started chanting "WE WANT ROY" when unable to score on the sub....NOT:p LETS GO RED WINGS
You like the Avalanche about as much as I like the Atlanta Braves.
Fucking Braves with their GAY ASS tomahawk/masterbation chant.:mad: