O/T: World Cup pick and win


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
For any soccer fans out there, Yahoo has a free pick and win game at http://en.games.fifaworldcup.yahoo.com/p where you can pick who you think will win each game.

There is an overall grand prize of tickets to a World Cup match and similar stuff, but you can set up individual groups to simply "compete" against friends for fun.

If anyone wants to play, go to the above link and make your picks, and then to see how you rank against other Anthrax fans, join group 19141 (Group name: NFWCP, group password: anthrax) or email me at nafnikufesin@yahoo.ca and I'll send you an invite into the group.

The deadline to enter and/or change your picks is May 31.
We're up to four competing for the title of "Anthrax fan that thinks he knows the most about soccer", with no prizes up for grabs, but lots of respect :lol:

There's a week left before Yahoo's entry deadline, so anyone else that cares to compete in this very prestigious event can just follow the instructions above!
With just a few days left in the first round, and a few big matches still to come, it's been a pretty wide open World Cup so far. It's too bad that so many of the games happen in the wee hours of the morning, as there have been a lot of surprising and interesting matches.

Hey, Evil Doctor X...you're running away with the Pick and Win so far...you got some inside info or something? :)
Group A messed everyone up...seriously, who wouldn't have picked France to finish first in that group two weeks ago?

Don't worry too much Louse...there are still big points to be made up in the next round.

I'm lucky that Italy squeaked through this morning...I'm sitting 4th and predicted Japan would win their group, so I could move up in the standings by tomorrow... :)
Originally posted by nafnikufesin

Hey, Evil Doctor X...you're running away with the Pick and Win so far...you got some inside info or something? :)

I don't know about insider info, but I just won $41 in our office first round pool...:)
My "really bad picks" aren't doing that bad! I had Japan beating Sweden in the round of eight so that loss didn't hurt too bad. I have Italy over Brazil in the final.

GO USA!!!!!!

Man, I'm dying. 7th out of 9, and I'm not moving up anytime soon after picking Italy to beat England in the final. :cry:

Also, have I mentioned how much I hate Brazil? I hope Turkey gets revenge for having the refereee paid off in the first round. The next time Rivaldo falls down crying like a sissy, someone should stomp on his head and give him something to really cry about.