Metal World Cup

I haven't paid attention to this shit, but is it for best country? All around the best country for metal has to be either Germany or Poland but I'd choose Germany any day. The sheer amount of ass kicking bands they have is nuts. I mean Obscura, Sulphur Aeon, and Alkaloid all from the same country? Fuck off. Not right.

I don't even know who those bands are.
I don't think Switzerland would be so low if we used a point system instead. Does any of Italy, Czech Republic or France top Celtic Frost, Samael and Coroner?
I think Italy tops Switzerland and maybe France too (even though Celtic Frost and Coroner are both top of the top), Czech Republic definitely don't though.

I would probably not put Ukraine in the last spot either, several latin american countries score lower imo.
Nokturnal Mortum is one of the worst things in existence, but that Dub Buk song sounded pretty cool, although I was expecting atmoshit and not 80s-style speed/thrash, so naturally I am pleased. Will check that album out.

Still a far inferior country to Japan and a few Latin American nations that didn't make it into the top 16.
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I don't even know who those bands are.
I do, and they aren't nearly enough to place Germany at the top of the pack. Mind you, this is from someone who considers Germany top five material for global producers of metal. I'm surprised he didn't cite bands like Kreator, Warlock, Sodom, Necronomicon, Accept, etc. to make his point.
Why would I cite those bands when I don't like the vast majority of them? I mean Keator clearly needs to take a break, Necronomicon's last album was good, I'll give you that, but nothing special. Accept is just a bland heavy metal/rock band etc. I could go on. I could cite more German acts to prove my point like Waldgefluster, Helrunar, Wolfchant, Thulcanrda, etc. I can even expand to bands like Helloween, Running Wild, Iron Savior, Orden Ogan blah blah. I could go on. I can't be bothered to read this whole topic though, so which country won?
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Why would I cite those bands when I don't like the vast majority of them? I mean Keator clearly needs to take a break, Necronomicon's last album was good, I'll give you that, but nothing special. Accept is just a bland heavy metal/rock band etc. I could go on. I could cite more German acts to prove my point like Wadgefluster, Helrunar, Wolfchant, Thulcanrda, etc. I can even expand to bands like Helloween, Running Wild, Iron Savior, Orden Ogan blah blah. I could go on. I can't be bothered to read this whole topic though, so which country won?
Because in spite of your personal distaste, they're key players in German metal and have contributed far more than the three bands you listed initally. Kreator and Necronomicon both were crucial developers in the German thrash scene, Accept were forefathers to speed and thrash, and were instrumental in developing Germany's early metal scene alongside the Scorpions. The other bands you've just listed are perfectly good, however are still insufficient to make Germany the world's greatest producer of metal. The U.S. won.
haha, well the "legendary" bands can suck my balls. Sulphur Aeon is unstoppable. And calling Alkaloid a "pile of shit" is laughable. Don't you have any fucking respect for musicianship dude??

You are speaking to a collective that mostly has an aversion to tech death, so what do you expect? I respect musicianship, but there comes a point when time signature shifts, complex arrangements, tricky scales, and sweeps dont necessarily mean better music. As a fan of Obscura's Omnivium I cant say that I am entirely removed from enjoying modern tech death, but I wouldnt automatically put it to the top of my favorites just because 90% of the bands I listen to couldnt even dream of playing it. Alkaloid is occasionally fun to listen to, but unfortunately I get little out of it and the same goes for most bands in the genre.
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