World Cup 2006: The groups have been called...

cthulufhtagn said:
if i lived in a place where more people gave a shit it would make the world cup a lot more fun...i was in europe during the 2004 euro cup, now that was crazy

When England faced Brazil in the 2002 world cup, it was on a weekday so the entire nation took a national holiday. They set up IMAX screens in public parks.

And have you heard what happens to Colombians when they score own goals? :loco:
yeah, i remember that.
anyway, i played organized football for a good 12 years and then pick up games for another 5 or so. that said, it's SO boring to watch - in person or on tv. im finding it hard to even get interested in this Cup at all. granted it's a beautiful game but 1 goal per 40 minutes of passing around is not exciting. i'm hard pressed to understand why the rest of the world is so into it.
actually playing any sport (except fucking basketball) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> watching hockey>>>>>>>>watching college football>watching women's tennis (sharpova only please)>watching soccer

edit: "ancient dreams" fucking rules
meh, american football is even more boring. i like college ball for some reason though. NFL is as ghetto as NBA nowadays