How England will win the World Cup this year...

Further, the traditional concept of one referee on the field is a fail. There's no way one dude can see everything. The calls are seemingly totally arbitrary. I would not be surprised at all if a study was conducted that showed a 50% accuracy rate.

The referee's role is to regulate the game and ensure that it runs smothly, not to "see everything". That is a common misconception that leads to people shouting for video refereeing, a complete absurdity.

Errare humanum est.

Obvious diving cheats should be more severely punished both in-game and after the game if the referee got fooled. Divers are the plague of this game, granted.
I'm not misconceiving anything, my fine metallic friend. As an athlete of many persuasions including about 14 years of football, I'm of the opinion that the game would flow even more smoothly if the players weren't so incentivized to *cheat* due in no small part to there just not being enough referees.
My opinion on this is that more referees would only bring more disagreements and generate endless controversies and bickering in a game that already has enough of those. Increasing the number of refs would automatically reduce the tolerance towards mistakes, which would STILL happen. The referee is the one game director and his every decision should be respected. These guys are pros, they do make mistakes but so do players, trainers, gardeners, etc.

One thing I could imagine working is one referee per half of the pitch - with a strictly limited field of intervention - so as to prevent for instance that the ref finds himself 50 meters behind the action in case of a fast counter attack. But I can see how this would be tricky to coordinate.

You probably know that experiments have been made with additional refs standing behind the goal line, in charge of surveying the penalty area. From what I hear those have been rather inconclusive so far.

Also don't forget that the linesmen are empowered to intervene at any time to signal things the central ref might have overlooked. These three guys are actually enough to cover all the angles of vision required.
Your second paragraph was pretty much what I was picturing

To their credit, the linesmen are excellent.
Their accuracy on offsides seems to be really high
Case in point: the current match. The officiating SUCKS. It's going to cost someone the game.
i watched that entire game...whilst doing other things like jamming to arkona, jerking off, surfing the web. 0-0 for almost two hours. are you fucking kidding me? after an hour, they should just have the kickoff and end it. the kickoff was pretty cool.

the way they do the time in soccer needs an overhaul. its like some damn downs syndrome kid is upstairs flashing numbers, so they extend the game. it's too damn random.

the flops in soccer are ludicrous. these actors put basketball players like manu ginobilli to shame. seriously, yellow card these faggots for that crap. or at least do instant replay. i dont like human erro costing a team the game. im glad they brought it into basketball. baseball will be next.
Instant replay is inconclusive half of the time and will butcher the game's flow.

We don't want US football style advertisement time offs every few seconds thank you very much.

Some of the most thrilling games I've seen at the stadium or on TV ended with few goals or even 0-0. It's all in the drama. Of course I prefer when my team leads 3-0, so I can cheer along wholeheartedly instead of biting my nails off...
Brazil's ability to coast through the group stage and their phony win over Chile finally came to a screeching halt
My friend summed this match up for me: "no one has seen Germany roll through a country that hard since Poland"
Whichever of these worthless teams gets through, I hope Germany turns their hopes to fucking broken shards of despair within minutes of the kick-off
Everyone cried when Brazil lost. Everyone except those of us with German blood.

Haven't watched a single game. And I don't plan on it. But that made me happy.
lots of brazilians have german blood too dont they? isnt that where all those nazi war criminals fled to? its why them brazilian babes are so hot. they got the beautiful blue eyes of the master race, with the gorgeous olive skin tone of them south american latinos, and just enough former slave sprinkled in for dat booty.

mmmm brasil :dopey: