I enjoyed learning French in high school. I'd probably have taken another language in undergrad if my community college or Bradley had offered Swedish or Norwegian. 

Can't really agree with this. I know enough of how my stuff works that people come to me with their computer questions at work (so I know what you mean about people being pretty ignorant beyond the very, very basics). I don't think I would EVER be able to learn a programming language--my brain just ain't wired for it. I looked into getting an MCSE certification about 10 years ago and quickly learned that networking, etc., is definitely NOT my forte.
There is no reason for a normal user to need to understand computers at that level, nor will they be able to really comprehend it properly.
The last thing this world needs is more people who call themselves web developers because they threw together some HTML or edited their MySpace profile![]()
Haha, omg yesMy highschool teacher who ran us through VB also put us through some basic HTML. When we did our final test of the semester, she said, "Yay, now you can put web development on your resumes."
It's also amazing ... how unprepared some of these people are (and mind you, they're coming from pretty intense programs). Ok, rant over
Sadly, yes. And I'll admit, I'm one of them (minus the Masters). For instance, all my knowledge of Networking is from self-practice - I didn't take it at UGA ... they did NOT REQUIRE us to take it!!!!! I wanted to take it so badly, but I was majoring in Math at the same time, there was class interference, Networking is only offered in the spring semester of every even year, I was on my fifth year anyway ... ... ugh, bullshit. I felt so damn cheated. .... Still, I was able to write up my MUD
Ok, I'm ranting now.
Maybe we should get this thread back to Obama and such![]()
I'm getting a very strong feeling of deja vu when I look at many of his Cabinet picks and other top-tier postings. Gee, it's almost as if, somehow, we've seen these characters before.
Added to Obama's recent recanting or retracting of several loud election-season promises and pledges, and that "Change we can believe in" slogan seems to be ringing more hollow every day.
Yeah, he's been a miserable failure!!!1111!!!!
To me, change I can believe in would be, you know, putting people in charge who have a fucking clue how to do their job. The fact that he seems to be doing that with a proven cast seems like a "good thing" (tm) to me. Maybe I'm old fashioned.
Yeah, he's been a miserable failure!!!1111!!!!
To me, change I can believe in would be, you know, putting people in charge who have a fucking clue how to do their job. The fact that he seems to be doing that with a proven cast seems like a "good thing" (tm) to me. Maybe I'm old fashioned.
The Bush tax cuts for the wealthy expire in 2010.
Maybe you all should just let things flow and actually happen before you open your mouths to criticize.
You mean the Bush tax cuts for everybody... I'm not wealthy and my taxes went down...
Gee, same here.
Gotta love wealth envy; it works EVERY time.
I LOVE the idea being floated (not very seriously, alas) of using the remaining $300 billion from the bailout funds....by simply nullifying all Federal withholding from all wages and payments for January and February, nationwide.
Companies and payers (banks) would simply halt the income tax, plus FICA and Medicare withholding, so you'd take home your entire paycheck. For two months. Talk about an economic stimulus!
Even better, it wouldn't require the government to cut checks and mail them, which is expensive and prone to fraud.
Will it fly?
Hell, no. It's too close to what the Fair Tax would establish for people's take-home pay, and therefore dangerous.
Still, it was a great idea. (Proposed by a Congressman from Texas, I forget his name.)
Gee, same here.
Gotta love wealth envy; it works EVERY time.
I LOVE the idea being floated (not very seriously, alas) of using the remaining $300 billion from the bailout funds....by simply nullifying all Federal withholding from all wages and payments for January and February, nationwide.
Companies and payers (banks) would simply halt the income tax, plus FICA and Medicare withholding, so you'd take home your entire paycheck. For two months. Talk about an economic stimulus!
Even better, it wouldn't require the government to cut checks and mail them, which is expensive and prone to fraud.