obama puts the heat on mcpain

religion is not needed to instill some moral value in children, and religion has no place in schools because it would go directly against the constitution. i heard sarah palin wanted to teach creationism in schools, which is bs IMO.

She also said something about the war in Iraq being a mission from God. :err:
Quite the smartass answer from you. BTW, God is spelled with a capital G.

I was actually being sincere in your having a daughter. I appologize if it came off as sarcasm.

The rest of it, however, might as well have had a drip plate under it. And I'm perfectly aware of how I spelled god, without the capital, thanks.

When God was taken out of our schools & people who brought children into this world started becoming friends instead of parents...what else is there to fear? Where did the discipline go?

'god' being taken out of schools is one hell of a horse-shit answer. If parents are that concerned about it, they can certainly ship their kids off to be sexually repressed at any religous school. The lack of disipline stems from a generation of people who didn't want to be controlled or stifled, and don't know how to parent. It has nothing to do with religion, or lack thereof.

I've known a lot of people who grew up in a very strict religious household, who turned out to be the biggest cut loose sexual deviants the instant their little world was opened up to the big picture.

i heard sarah palin wanted to teach creationism in schools, which is bs IMO.

Hope you don't live in Texas.
Giving up a child for adoption in any case is not an easy thing to do. And not YOUR choice to make.

thanks Shaye
you and i are walking the same road on this conversation, methinks---unless someone has had to make this choice, they will NEVER know what it feels like...and to put it out there as something easy to do? no...it isn't.

(although i NEVER say "give a child up" for adoption -- that phrase should be stricken, as it makes it sound so friggin easy...and it really isn't :hotjump:)
thanks Shaye
you and i are walking the same road on this conversation, methinks---unless someone has had to make this choice, they will NEVER know what it feels like...and to put it out there as something easy to do? no...it isn't.

(although i NEVER say "give a child up" for adoption -- that phrase should be stricken, as it makes it sound so friggin easy...and it really isn't :hotjump:)

Oh, it doesn't sound easy to me by any stretch, but I see what you mean. What do you say?

What's the line in that song, if you ever had to walk a mile in his shoes then you might really know what it's like?
Oh, it doesn't sound easy to me by any stretch, but I see what you mean. What do you say?

What's the line in that song, if you ever had to walk a mile in his shoes then you might really know what it's like?

i say "placed for adoption"...cuz that's what i did - i hand-picked J's parents and *placed* him with a loving family...

i'll have to tell you about what happened when someone said something about me "throwing the kid away like garbage" because of my choice...oh yeah - that ended NOT AT ALL well for that person :hotjump:

but for anyone who thinks it's easy - talk to someone who has been there. unless she is a heartless bitch, it was nowhere near an easy choice...
Geez Su. I hope that person was thoroughly taken to task for saying such a stupid thing.

oh yeah - "taken to task" would be putting it mildly (for those who know me now and think i might be a bit...hot-headed...you shoulda seen me when i was younger and full of way more piss and vinegar...i am beyond mellow now, as compared to then...practically zen, if you will)

Oh my god what a horrible thing to say... I can't believe anyone could be such a douchebag.

horrible? yes. douchebag? oh yeah - believe it.

but hey...that's just my tale. everyone has a story to tell, and now i feel i have totally hijacked this thread...sorry about that...

by all means everyone - back to the topic if you want :)

::goes away and stops hijacking threads::
horrible? yes. douchebag? oh yeah - believe it.

::goes away and stops hijacking threads::

heh, well, let me take over the hijacking... :heh:

Yes, like I said, adoption is demonized, too. I heard people say hurtful things about a friend I used to work with who placed her child for adoption, and have heard general comments as well. It's like you can't win for fucking losing with some people. Fuck 'em, Su; we know you're the better person.

I'm sure there are some women out there who are, as you said, heartless bitches, but I think at least some of them are closer to saints than most of us will ever be. Kudos to them for making the hard choice and giving those children and adoptive families a little joy.

Time for the Birthmothers Kick Ass world tour?? :)

Yes, it was a Cathoilc school.
Oops. CATHOLIC school is how I meant to spell it. I'm sure now I'll get flamed for going to Catholic school and having someone say it influences my thinking on the murdering of innocent unborn children. But hey, even an atheist knows murder is wrong. And, Ascension brings up very good points. I agree with him completely and I'm done with posting on this topic because I believe abortion is the medical term for murder. Nothing more and nothing less.
heh, well, let me take over the hijacking... :heh:

Yes, like I said, adoption is demonized, too. I heard people say hurtful things about a friend I used to work with who placed her child for adoption, and have heard general comments as well. It's like you can't win for fucking losing with some people. Fuck 'em, Su; we know you're the better person.

I'm sure there are some women out there who are, as you said, heartless bitches, but I think at least some of them are closer to saints than most of us will ever be. Kudos to them for making the hard choice and giving those children and adoptive families a little joy.

Time for the Birthmothers Kick Ass world tour?? :)


thanks Shaye - i know you got my back on that one :rock:
...but i would say that between heartless bitch and saint, i think i stand firmly in the middle (wow--the only time in my life you can say i am the middle-of-the-road!!! teehee)

for what it 's worth, in re: conversation about parochial school in PA/emerald sword... i went to catholic school too - so much for that influencing the way people think--so i dont think you have to worry about being flamed for that, E.Sword (well, i should HOPE you don't get flamed for that, i mean)...

tra la
I went to Catholic school my whole life, even though I am definately no longer catholic and never really was, just had to pretend to be to make my parents happy, because if I didn't go to church they would of put the hurt down on me. Let's just say they were pissed off at me and still are to this day upset I no longer go to Catholic church, or an organized religion period, I just think they are no good. When I went to my grandmothers funeral a few months back, I saw the catholic church put their money to good use to buy some 42" flat panel lcd HDtvs(I saw at least 3 of them) just to have a slideshow of advertisements for the church, so I see where the parishoners(my parents) money went that they donate to the church, instead of helping people in need.

Back on topic though, well at least the subtopic. I am definately pro-life, but to each their own, and they are the ones that have to live with their decision for the rest of their life, and it will haunt them for the rest of their lives. I know a couple people who have had one, and let's just say, it bothers them still even after it being years ago, so they get what they deserve for taking somebody's live and I hope everybody who gets aborted haunts their would be parents for the rest of their lives.
I'm somewhat intrigued by the flat tax idea, vs. the "fair" tax idea.

The flat tax would be an improvement (it would simplify the tax code), but it would be labeled (correctly) as a regressive tax by the liberals and therefore fail.

By comparison, the current tax code is remarkably progressive -- meaning that it places most of the taxpaying burden on the upper income levels. But, that's also why, for the economy it serves, it is an Epic Fail. (Even if it 'feels good' to stick it to the 'filthy rich.')

(Regarding the Fair Tax)
I, frankly, am ALL about this. I find it grossly appalling that the government takes 33% of my income every year, and no one really complains. This is one place that I am in direct conflict with my party. Though I would shudder to think what the consumption tax would include or how high it would be.

23% on all retail sales. You'd get to keep all of your pay, though. No Federal income, FICA or Medicare withholding.


I think the corporate tax rate is zero under the Fair Tax, but I'm still exploring their site. :)

She also said something about the war in Iraq being a mission from God. :err:

And she's correct.
Sort of.
It is, in fact, a response to a de-facto jihad declared by the militant, extremist wing of the Muslim faith on the West. (Al-queda has often referred to "The Throne of Rome" as its enemy in press releases, which is Muslim shorthand for either the Christian world or the democratic governments of the West.)

It's wayyy past time for world leaders to acknowledge this publically. (Privately, of course, they're fully aware.)
23% on all retail sales. You'd get to keep all of your pay, though. No Federal income, FICA or Medicare withholding.


I think the corporate tax rate is zero under the Fair Tax, but I'm still exploring their site. :)

I imagine retail to include cars. I dunno if I'm all about that. And housing, is that included? If so, say goodbye to home ownership. I'll do some digging into that site asap though, thanks.
I imagine retail to include cars. I dunno if I'm all about that.

But consider: the automakers (and all their suppliers) would not be spending any money on corporate taxes or tax compliance (tax accountants, etc.) After a while, the competitive free market exerts itself and the after-tax prices plummet.

And housing, is that included? If so, say goodbye to home ownership. I'll do some digging into that site asap though, thanks.

I don't think home purchases are included.

Hmm, I've got this really nifty discount coupon from Amazon....might be time to stuff the Fair Tax book into an order with a few CDs. :heh:

This is about as far as I want to go on this thread, since it's devolved into the usual abortion of an abortion thread. :erk: