Obama wins


spacestation '76film
Apr 11, 2004
Obama wins
Barack Obama has won the US presidential election, defeating Republican John McCain
YAY for more taxes to feed bastard babies and lazy fucks. I wonder if the first thing this half my pals marxist fuck will do is pardon his illegal alien aunt. 11-04-08 the day America decides to embrace socialism.. Good bye my 401k we had a good run.
YAY for more taxes to feed bastard babies and lazy fucks. I wonder if the first thing this half my pals marxist fuck will do is pardon his illegal alien aunt. 11-04-08 the day America decides to embrace socialism.. Good bye my 401k we had a good run.

yes because if you're not republican then you're exactly everything BAD that they try to make up that you are

enjoy your rage and gtfo =)
YAY for more taxes to feed bastard babies and lazy fucks. I wonder if the first thing this half my pals marxist fuck will do is pardon his illegal alien aunt. 11-04-08 the day America decides to embrace socialism.. Good bye my 401k we had a good run.

Not socialism, a Social Democratic Dictatorship. GET IT RIGHT DAMMIT.
I wouldn't say fucked, but it's definitely the workings to teach americans a lesson: don't ever give this much power to one party.

BTW: a man is now on stage praying for obama... oh lord, please give obama strength... GOD FUCKING DAMMIT.
I wouldn't say fucked, but it's definitely the workings to teach americans a lesson: don't ever give this much power to one party.

BTW: a man is now on stage praying for obama... oh lord, please give obama strength... GOD FUCKING DAMMIT.

Not many here are old enough to remember 1977. We are in for one hell of a ride.
The way majorities are shaping up now is as much a danger as it is an opportunity (what being a danger or an opportunity being dependent of one's individual view of course).

Having an unbiased look at this situation, it's foremost the most effective constitution to act politically in this very system.
Christ, republicans wouldn't know what to do if they met an actual socialist.
Maybe I'm just young enough that I'm just noticing a coincidence, but it seems to mee that since about Nixon, with every single Republican President we have experienced either a recession or a stock market crash. Can we finally, then, once and for all, put to bed the notion that Republicans are pro-business, and in favor of folks keeping their money? If they get any more like that, frankly, I think we're all going to end up in a soup line.