Obama Wins

wtf Max. You ain't from the west side (aka best side). You best stop frontin' muhfucka before I put my strap up in ya face and let some gun powda burn!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can't say anything, as I'm completely unaffected by this where I live. However, every time I go home to the US I'm shocked by things that I wasn't shocked about before with the behavior of some black people. I didn't remember them being so blatantly rude, ignorant, disrespectful, and uneducated. I wonder if I was just desensitized to it or if they really have regressed.

You really can't comprehend how disgusted I was by the blacks I encountered in America on my most recent trip. It was unbelievable, I mean I grew up in shitty projects and while there were badass gangster who were also quite dumb, on their worst day they weren't half as ignorant as these fucks I saw. For example... and I can't say I'll get the ebonics down perfectly so I won't bother but... on the bus down to Rochester there were like a clan of nigs with their niglets running around. They were talking about the price of weed, where to deal it, prostitution, hair weaves (I SHIT YOU NOT I WAS WAITITNG FOR THE TO REMARK ABOUT HOW GOOD THEY THINK KFC IS)... just generally niggery stuff. Also, the one cunt slapped her kid in the mouth for asking for something to eat and then whining she was hungry. Seriously. It was like 3 fucking hyper obese my pals, 4 little kids and 1 dude. It was awful. Little did I know that I was headed toward some uber my pals hive known as Rochester... goddamn it was mind blowing... truly like something out of a bad tv show.

they talk in ebonics because they don't know how to speak proper english.

dat - that

wich u - with you

shit is annoying. i should organize a group so we can go to the projects and pass out free dr. seuss books for the african americans.
Pretty much :lol: Think of the worst stereotype gangster my pals possible and then imagine every street full of people like that.

Ever roll a can of grape soda down the road? This is the reaction

And right, because my pals saying words like "trill" and "that's straight" are MUCH worse than "sick", "brutal", and throwing up the horns in every picture you take like an idiot.

Metalheads should all line up to get their asses beat by my pals, then go complain about it on the internet. Half of you don't even type properly.
I would laugh if you went to jail and got took advantage by a big black cock, then I don't think you would be singing the same tune :lol: I honestly don't understand why you feel the need to defend your "my pals", but whatever.
And right, because my pals saying words like "trill" and "that's straight" are MUCH worse than "sick", "brutal", and throwing up the horns in every picture you take like an idiot.

Metalheads should all line up to get their asses beat by my pals, then go complain about it on the internet. Half of you don't even type properly.
I agree, there are some metalheads that need an ass kicking, like Mick, but they are usually just kids so we let that gay shit slide, and I'd do the same for a dumb niglet (eventhough a 14 year old niglet is more likely to murder someone than a 14 year old goth/metalhead) but the people I'm talking about are the 25 year old my pals who were once that wee niglet and never grew out of it.

Why are you defending my pals? Their culture is awful. If I was proclaiming inbred Christians to be awesome then what kind of reaction would I expect. I don't hate based on skin colour, only personality.
I would laugh if you went to jail and got took advantage by a big black cock, then I don't think you would be singing the same tune :lol: I honestly don't understand why you feel the need to defend your "my pals", but whatever.

I've been to jail more than once, you don't get raped in it. Obviously if I went to prison, I would have to shave my head and probably join the Aryan Brotherhood, that's common sense. But that's not where I'm at right now. Right now, I roll with every race. I see the good and bad sides of them all. Black people have been the friendlist, realist, down to earth, accepting, non judgmental, non patronizing race with me.

White can go either way.
Mexicans are fucking scum.
Asian depends on what country.
Why are you defending my pals? Their culture is awful.

Their culture is my culture. You don't understand where I live. When I say I'm from the hood, I'm not being an internet tough guy. And again, I speak about Houston. Our my pals are unique, and that's why we're usually the only city that makes good urban music.