Obama wins

But, what about his brother Jebus? :lol:

found him
Not an Obama fan (or a McCain fan for that matter), but let's hope that now that a black man finally got elected, that all those my pals will shut their trap about the white man keeping them down.

As for the rest, I don't really give a toss about American politics, since basically all you get to choose is which marionette you vote for.
The last Republican to do anything worthwhile was Reagan...after that it all went downhill.

THIS JUST IN: THE TRICKLE DOWN EFFECT DOESN'T WORK ANYMORE. You'd think the last 20 years would've given you a clue, especially when during 8 of those years a Democrat balanced the budget and created one of the biggest booms in US history with his policies by helping the middle class. A hard head makes for a soft ass, I guess.

I don't know why some people are freaking out so much. The only thing that's better about the US these days than the rest of the western world is that you have more choices on how you want to die from a heart attack, and if a meteor hit earth tomorrow, Americans could live much longer without eating anything due to all the stored fat. That's about it.

Almost everyone has admitted that just about every other western European nation exceeds America in quality of life, yet you people are scared to death of being happy because you can't determine the difference between democracy with good social systems and socialism. Obama is even more capitalist than many Europeans, yet many of these yahoos claiming he's a socialist would rather complain for another 4 years under a Bush-like administration than admit that a good social system is actually a good idea. I love how most of the people who yell socialism have never even left the US, much less LIVED in another country.

All I have to say is thank goodness you people lost. The last eight years of your stupidity was enough. Bottom line: if you've never lived in another country, shut your cakehole. You know absolutely dick about anything outside of your borders.
All that said, I just hope Obama doesn't sell out and reneg on promises. I'm optimistic but not blind...he's still a politician.

I really hope in four years we'll be able to say "I told you so" to all the naysayers. If not, then I'll be the first one to eat crow.
Maybe in Sweden, since your quality of life pretty much remains the same; it doesn't go significantly up or down. But in a capitalist democracy quality of life is like a roller-coaster...some years it's the greatest in the world and some years it's the worst. It's never static, so when politics takes a turn for the better, there is just cause for serious celebration.